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May 9th, Year 2011

Will Solace had appointed his best friend Nico di Angelo to go to the Hypnos Cabin, Cabin 15. And well, Clovis recommended it as well. Considering he hardly found Nico having peaceful nights through the Dreamscape. “Annabeth says that place is more dangerous than the Ares cabin, are you sure?” Nico said and Will sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose, “Stop trying to get out of help Nico, yes you need to go. I trust Clovis, he and his siblings will help I promise.” Now Nico sighed but accepted fate, it was almost time for curfew anyway and Nico walked away saying goodbye to Will and his blond-haired friend wishing him luck. After changing into his pajamas, Nico knocked on the door of cabin 15, and as expected no one answered, walking in Nico saw the interior as the smell of fresh laundry hit his nose. There was a fireplace and above its mantle was a poplar tree branch with the River Lethe water dripping into a small metal bin. There was soft violin music playing, and there were plenty of empty beds, all with feathery pastel purple pillows and quilts.

Nico’s knees buckled slightly and he stifled a yawn, he quickly jolted as he felt his eyes droop down. Nico looked for blond hair out of the three lumps that lay in bed and he found a dazed gentle-featured boy looking at him as his chin rested on his pillow. Clovis. “Hey,” Nico said, not sure how to go about the situation. 

Clovis rubbed his eyes with his right hand and waved at Nico with the other, “Hi.” Was all he said as he got out of his bed and walked up to Nico. “So when was the last time you had a full night’s sleep, uninterrupted?” Clovis asked through a yawn which Nico unwillingly followed as he thought about the question the blond had asked him. “The last time I overused my powers without Will’s help. So since the war?” As Nico looked back at Clovis he saw the boy’s head down and heard soft snoring, Nico snapped his fingers in front of him and Clovis woke up with a jolt. “Since the war!” He said loudly, “Since the war, that was a year ago or something like that. You’ll need to be here a lot more often then.” Clovis finished, however in a much softer voice and Nico wanted to protest but before he could, the violet-eyed blond was walking away and motioning for Nico to follow him.

Sighing Nico followed after Clovis, to which they stopped by a bunk right next to Clovis’ and he gestured for Nico to lie down. Obliging, Nico lay down on the lavender-smelling quilts and immediately felt like passing out in that moment. Nico felt a dip in the bed and his eyes met Clovis’ who was beside him sitting down, “May I touch you for a second? It’s a painless process, I swear.” Nico absentmindedly nodded just wanting to sleep, but the second Clovis’ warm hand made contact with his forehead, Nico saw nothing. He expected the nightmares to start but they never came, instead, he saw a peaceful plain.

He was lying down on gray clouds and the sound of soft rain flooded his ears and he felt at peace, like he could stay here forever. But then he felt a presence next to him, shifting his head to the left he saw Clovis sitting down and just staring at the distant rain. “Clovis?” Nico asked and without turning his head, Clovis muttered; “Your dreams are beautiful. They’re peaceful. You don’t dream like other demi-gods, they have crazy dreams that are fun and wild, but it’s like your only dream is to be at peace.” Nico didn’t know what to say, he was conflicted. Was he mad at Clovis for invading the moment or grateful that he was technically the one who caused such a peaceful dream? Nico decided to say nothing and turned his head back to face forward, with Clovis next to him.

Who never left his side, they just waited there enjoying the peace. “Since you’ll probably be staying in the cabin for a bit, I can make a bed for you.” Clovis said suddenly and Nico met his violet-eyed gaze, “Will I need to be there that often?” “You’ve missed practically a year's worth of sleep, yes you’ll need to be there often.” Nico groaned slightly and Clovis didn’t react to him. “Do you have any black bedding?” Nico asked and Clovis nodded, “We have most colors, we make quilts and pillows in arts training.” Clovis explained and Nico found that idea fun. Nico looked up once again as the son of Hypnos waved a hand over his face, causing Nico’s eyes to droop down and slowly close. When Nico opened his eyes he was in cabin 15 once more and Clovis was leaning against the side of the bed holding Nico’s hand. Nico looked at the blond who rested peacefully despite being both on the floor and in a seemingly uncomfortable position.

The son of Hades notices the small beam of sunlight that shines through the blackout curtains of the Hypnos cabin and realizes it’s morning or maybe afternoon already. Looking back at Clovis, Nico gently removed his hand from underneath the sleeping boy and took off the warm and wonderful working quilt. Getting out of bed, Nico looked at Clovis’ bunk and then back to Clovis. Sighing slightly Nico picked the blond up under his knees and upper body and laid him gently on his original bed. The son of Hades put the dark purple covers over his newfound friend and walked out of cabin 15 but not before trying to decide if he should wake up the violet-eyed boy and his siblings for breakfast.

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