Eyes of the Crowd

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When the elevator doors opened, Guang for once felt like he was within the Ministry of Intelligence. The interior of the elevator was fancily designed, with polished mirrors and sleek walls. The floor was made out of smooth, beautiful marble that sparkled under the warm light.

Jin tapped his tag on the elevator. Guang noticed that the elevator only has a few floors listed: ground floor (the one they were on), first floor, second floor, and third floor. Jin pressed the button with an embellished 3 and the elevator closed on them.

As the elevator rose, Guang unconsciously stood up straighter. He was going to give it his all in his brief appointment with Lord Janus. Minister of Intelligence or not, he was the perpetrator that ended two young innocent lives, something that Guang will never stand for nor forgive. For that, he will make sure that Lord Janus takes full responsibility for his inhumane actions.

Ding. Soundlessly, the elevator doors slid open. Guang inhaled. It was like they were transported to a different place altogether. Unlike the ground floor, where life was all hustling and bustling, the third floor was solemn. Stretched before them was an empty corridor, carpeted and decorated with paintings on both sides. The air was still and chilling, as if unwelcoming of their presence as outsiders.

Now here, does it feel like the Ministry of Intelligence that Guang had imagined.

"Level three," the elevator announced in a feminine voice.

Jin took the lead, with Guang bringing up the rear. The moment Guang got off the elevator, he felt millions of invisible eyes turning towards him. He stiffened, looking around, but there was no one to be seen. Only the unnamed people in the paintings, whose eyes seemed to be following them as they walked along.

The corridor opened up to a large circular hall. Compared to the one that was on the ground floor, it was ten times larger, serving as the hub of the third floor. In the centre, a giant hologram of a globe floated a few metres off the ground, its body decorated with blinking red dots. Many people dressed in gold and white uniforms lingered around the sofas and chairs in the hall while some were gathered around the giant globe, observing it thoughtfully.

At first, Guang thought, this wasn't so bad after all.

Until they stepped foot into the hall.

In unison, all conversation stopped and all heads swivelled towards them. It was like a conductor had hushed the entire orchestra. It was so quiet to the point that Guang felt that his own irregular breathing and rapid heartbeat were way too loud in his ears. That wasn't the scariest part, however. A laugh, a frown, a scowl: every face that had turned towards them was hidden behind a decorative mask, their expressions eerily frozen and unmoving.

Despite having their eyes hidden, Guang could tell that every single pair of eyes were fixed on them. It was like they were suddenly thrown into the spotlight, the audience anticipating for them to perform something amusing.

Guang gulped. He tried to move, to do anything but to stay rooted to the spot. His legs, however, refused to cooperate with him. He hit it a few times with his fists. Move, damn it!

"What are you waiting for? Let's go."

A few steps ahead, Jin had turned to frown at him. Was Jin totally unfazed by this? Were those numerous eyes watching them soundlessly non-existent to him?

Nervously, Guang chuckled. If his younger brother can brush this aside, then he should be able to as well. Otherwise, how could he hold his head high as the older brother?

Jin moved through the crowd easily with Guang awkwardly hurrying along behind him. Every person stayed still and quiet, their heads turning as they went. Guang pinned his unwavering gaze onto Jin's back, tuning out his environment lest he felt even more nervous.

Their steps echoed in the silence like the pitter-patter of rain. Eventually, they made it to the other end, where there was a giant staircase. Surely, they weren't about to climb that-

And...Jin was climbing it. Guang was aghast. Don't misunderstand, he has absolutely nothing against stairs - in fact, he believed they were great! Alas, in this situation, it would actually - not just metaphorically - throw them into the spotlight where everybody could see them. But Lord Janus' office lies ahead, and to do what he came all the way here for, he must overcome these stairs of shame.

He climbed the stairs robotically, feeling gazes digging into his back as he did so. He felt extremely self-conscious, down to the way he carried himself in every step and every breath. Why were they staring at him, anyways? It's not as if he was buck naked or anything!

"Hello there, you must be Mr. Long."

Out of nowhere, a black suited man wearing a crying mask leaned towards him, stopping only inches before his face. Guang nearly jumped out of his skin at his sudden and unexpected appearance. Luckily, with his guard up, Guang managed to restrain himself from tumbling down the stairs. Instead, he wobbled and made a weird, throaty yelp. It wasn't the most beautiful sound he had produced. Quickly, he collected himself and tried to pass it off by clearing his throat.

"Yes, I'm Mr. Long," Guang introduced himself.

The two of them shook hands as they made their way to the double oak doors ahead. The man had black hair styled in a wolf cut and a black coat draped over his suit. With such a languid aura despite the tense atmosphere, Guang wondered if this man was the infamous Minister of Intelligence, Lord Janus.

"My name is Saturn," the man greeted. His voice was buttery smooth, truly soothing to the ears. His warm behaviour was like the first spring breeze in the frigid winter. "I'm here to welcome you on behalf of Lord Janus. As you know, Lord Janus is someone who doesn't often see visitors, so it makes you two one of the very few who does. Are there any questions before we enter? Bathroom, perhaps?"

The man even had the guts to pull a joke at this time! In spite of his crying mask, he was quite a funny guy. Mad respect. What was Guang thinking earlier - ain't no way this person was Lord Janus! A murderer wouldn't be that chill.

Guang laughed softly. "You're cool, bro."

"Why thank you. I've been told by many," Saturn replied courteously. Guang felt that contrary to the crying mask, the man behind was smiling.

"No, we have no questions," Jin answered flatly. If anyone was uncool, it was his brother here. Why he always acted like there was a stick up his bum was beyond Guang. "Please lead the way, Saturn."

Saturn bowed. "As you please. Right this way, esteemed guests of the lord." 

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