What Was Lost/What Was Found

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In light of recent events, Valerie insisted Guang and Jin take a rest before resuming their journey. Guang was thinking of taking a break as well. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, he needed some time for himself to properly process everything. Come to think of it, all of this started on that day, when Guang escaped the family manor. It has been a month since then - since he had lost his home and his family.

After discussing with Jin, the both of them agreed to return to Varya Town. The moment Guang got off the train platform at Varya Town, he felt something akin to shackles being released. He felt like he could breathe easier and act freer. The cool, fresh air that did not stink of pollutants, the sky that was so vast, not blocked by giant skyscrapers, the greenery that could be seen everywhere yet well-tended - even though Guang had only seen Varya Town a few times for what it is, he had missed this.

After checking in at a local inn at Verdant Street, Guang and Jin decided to first visit their home. As they made their way there on foot, Guang and Jin barely spoke. Jin was usually quiet as he was, but Guang was feeling quite tense. He hadn't been back since the incident, after all. In some way, he was afraid. Yet, he still wants to go back to his roots and revisit his home. Hero knows when he would get the chance to return after this, with the long and arduous journey ahead.

Right before they turned the street where their home was, the two of them stopped in their tracks. It looked the same where they were now. The unlit street lights in the daylight sun, the neatly trimmed bushes blooming with colourful flowers, the cobbled ground and the birds chirping merrily. Guang could almost pretend that the entire past month had not happened, and that Jin was simply bringing his playful, runaway brother back to the manor. They would turn the corner, and their parents would be waiting at the front gates, crying with worry over Guang's runaway attempt. And he would reassure them that he was fine. They don't need to cry nor worry over him, and everything will be alright.

But deep down he knew, it was hopeless to wish for those bygone dreams.

"Are you ready?" Jin asked.

Guang took a deep breath and, in one go, released it. Holding his head up high, he said, "Let's go."

With nothing left to rely on but each other, the two Long brothers strided towards the Dragon Manor.

Where once stood a majestic manor was a plot of empty land. The entire manor, even what was left of its ruins, had all been cleared out. Trees and grass were the only remainder of what was once here, for they were lucky enough to not be scorched by the burning manor. Otherwise, nothing was left of the Dragon Manor. Not its inhabitants, nor its shell, nor its former glory.

Despite being prepared, the sight still threatened to make tears escape his eyes. Beside him, Jin appeared unfazed, poker-faced even, but Guang could tell from the slight tremble of his lips that the sight moved him as well.

How Guang missed his carefree, innocent days. The days where he would have his mother and father by his side, the days where Bo would always be there to wake him up and wish him good night, the days where all he had to worry about was whether he could dance out of Mr Edward's reach. He took those days for granted, wanting to escape it all. It was now that he regretted not cherishing what he had. Now that they were lost, did he realise what blessings they were.

His home, his childhood memories, the people he loved. All of it - all of his blessings - now lie buried in ashes.

Once Guang and Jin reminisced enough and got some food, they went to the local church's graveyard to pay respects to their parents. It was the second time Guang was here. The last time he was here, he had been bursting with curiosity, eager to learn about the world and excited to meet Sui. Now it was different. He came here with a different purpose, with a different mindset. As he stood before his parents' graves under the dark, cloudy skies, he felt like a changed man.

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