Through The Looking Glass

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To meet a person named 'water' in the midst of pouring rain? What an amusing coincidence. Guang thought that the man might be pulling his leg, but something told him that the man wasn't lying.

"The weather must be because of you, then," Guang joked.

Sheepishly, Sui scratched his cheek. "Such is the case."

"Huh?" Was this guy serious, or was he following up on Guang's joke?

Guang cleared his throat, shaking his head. "Nevermind."

Through the corner of his eye, he noticed that Sui was completely dry, right down to his fluffy coat. As if there were an invisible barrier, water bounced off him, just like how it was for Guang now. Come to think of it, he became waterproof the moment he met this man. Could it be that...

"Mister, are you protecting me from the rain?"

Sui smiled. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Guang felt as if he was staring right into the sun. So dazzled he was that he didn't realise Sui was rubbing his head. "You're quite the observant child, aren't you?"

Guang blushed. Suddenly, he felt extremely nervous, as if he had an image to keep. "I-it wasn't anything. I just said the obvious."

Sui chuckled. "Say, Guang, shall we go and get you some dry clothes? I can't imagine what you're wearing to be comfortable, and at this rate, you're going to catch a cold."

Guang lit up upon hearing that. These clothes were wet and heavy. While he could tolerate it, it was true that it was causing him some discomfort. To notice this and to offer to buy him new clothes - this person, he's too nice!

Guang nodded fervently. "Yes, please! If it's not a bother..."

While he knew it was bad to take advantage of a kind stranger, Guang found himself unable to reject Sui. Rather than wandering alone by himself in an unfamiliar place, he'd rather stick with someone he can trust, that person being Sui. So if it meant that he could spend more time with Sui, Guang would happily do just about anything.

Sui led the way down the street. Beside him, Guang trotted along like a cute, small puppy. Sui, like the kind man he was, walked at a slower pace so that Guang's little legs could keep up. Guang giggled, reaching out to hold Sui's hand.

What he wasn't expecting was for the man's hand to be freezingly cold. He winced, restraining himself from pulling away. Sui's hand lacked all the warmth that a normal person should have. In fact, his hand was frosty to the touch, almost like ice. Sui, conversely, seemed surprised but happy with the gesture.

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"C-c-carry me?! I wouldn't- no, it's OK, it's fine."

Guang's heart nearly leapt out of his throat when Sui asked that. His face felt uncomfortably warm. Why was he reacting this way? His mother had asked him the same question and he had felt nothing but pure disgust, but when this man asked the same thing, he's feeling...what, flustered? Guang couldn't meet Sui's eyes. No, not after that. He felt like he might explode if he did. Instead, he averted his eyes to the side.

They passed by all sorts of shops. Restaurants, pet shops, souvenir shops, shops filled with humans, shops filled with enticing food and shops filled with intriguing things. Whenever Guang spotted something interesting, he would enthusiastically point it out and pull Sui towards it.

"Look, look! That box, it can talk!"

"Wow, what a shiny toy!"

"Why does that creature look like that...Sui, do you think it bites? Oh, it's a dog, huh. Can I pet that dog?"

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