Hate Me, Protect Me

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To get both Jin and the ruby, Guang had to get through Yuehua. First Noble Truth or not, she was someone he had no choice but to defeat.

With a loud boom that shook the earth, Guang had blasted himself so fast that it appeared as if he had teleported in front of Yuehua. He went for an uppercut, but prior to his fist connecting, he felt water seeping into his pants.

The next thing he knew he was tugged by his leg and flung high into the air. A water whip had grabbed hold of his leg! Colours zoomed in and out of his vision and the wind howled in his ears as he was wildly thrown about.

Like a child enthusiastically playing with a toy, Guang was smashed against the buildings, dragged across the cobbled ground and swung around madly till he didn't know up from down. The pain was immeasurable - it was taking all of his will to not drown in the tormenting sensation and stay conscious.

Bellowing, Guang gathered his flames within him and released them with a blast, forcing the water whip to explode and, at the same time, release him. Guang wasted no time the moment he landed back on the ground. Despite the pain coursing through his veins like poison, he dashed towards Yuehua, throwing out blows after blows that sizzled with his flames.

To his frustration, Yuehua dodged all of them with ease. Whether it was a tilt of her head, twisting her body or redirecting it with her palms, Guang just seemed unable to land a good blow on her.

"Hm, not bad," Yuehua complimented, completely unfazed. She was definitely looking down on him.

Determined, Guang swung a fist at her sides, only for it to completely miss by an inch when Yuehua once again twirled out of his reach. This lady...she needs to hold still!

"Stop moving around!" Guang shouted, annoyed.

Yuehua smirked. "Alright, alright. I'll stop moving around, but now, it's your turn."

With a sound like crushing cans, dozens of icicles crystallised in mid-air all around Guang, each of them deviously sharp. Crap, there was only one place he could go, which was up. Desperately, he gathered his flames in his feet to launch himself upwards, but despair fell upon him when he discovered there were icicles eagerly waiting for him from above as well. Like bees, they were quivering with excitement. He was completely trapped.

With no choice but to switch to defence, Guang curled himself up in a ball. The last thing he saw was the icicles flying towards him. He scrunched up his eyes, ready for the inevitable gut-wrenching pain that would entail.

Out of nowhere, a familiar voice uttered, "What do you think you're doing?"

That voice...Sui? Sui was here?

Alert, Guang looked up, just in time to witness his final moments. An icicle was coming right for his face. Dead set, it would definitely pierce his head and it would be game over for him.

In his final moments, he wished he could have seen Sui one last time.

Yet unexpectedly, the icicle disintegrated right before his very eyes. Crushed into powder, it rained harmlessly onto the ground, glittering like silver.

Eh? What?

The next thing he knew, a torrent of those icicles came like deadly bullets, but just like the first, they were all grinded into powder before they could even reach him. It was as if an invisible shield was protecting him. Guang could only stare stupidly with his mouth agape as he tried to comprehend this miraculous phenomenon. Just what was going on?

When it all ended, a foot stomped down in front of him. Guang jumped, scrambling onto his feet and getting into a fighting stance. However, his hostility vaporised when he registered the figure who had their back to him. Shimmering transparent hair that flowed like water and a furry jacket - Sui had actually appeared!

"Sui-" Guang called out, but paused when he noticed something was off.

He couldn't see Sui's expression right now. Was it the way his watery hair flickered in agitated waves? Was it the way his head was tilted a bit lower than usual? Was it the way he tensely held himself? Guang couldn't really put it into words, but he knew one thing for sure:

Sui was furiously livid.

The target of Sui's anger was none other than Yuehua. Yuehua, who for once, appeared nervous.

"Master Sui," she greeted curtly.

"Princess Yuehua," Sui said calmly. Even then, Guang could detect the barely restrained rage under his tone. Just as he wished, he had met Sui. Guang wanted to ask about the Long family incident, but something akin to instinct told him to not interrupt Sui now, or he will regret it.

In unison, the tens of black soldiers instantly got onto one knee. Ah, how could Guang forget? Sui, the demon king, was the object of worship for Nayleners. No wonder Yuehua was nervous before Sui.

Chillingly, Sui demanded, "I thought I've only told you to retrieve the ruby with emphasis on non-violence. Care to explain why Guang is injured, princess?"

Pursuing her lips, Yuehua stated, "I was only testing him."

"Testing him," Sui repeated coldly. "You've already harmed him. That, itself, is already grounds for blasphemy. Tell me, what were you trying to achieve by continuing to attack Guang, despite his injuries?"

Guang, at this moment, was very glad he was not on the end of the short stick. Seeing someone as sweet as Sui mad made him quake in his boots. What confused him, though, was that Sui, the demon king, was protecting him, the reincarnated hero? Does he not know Guang was the hero, that they were destined enemies?

Yuehua seemingly wanted to defend herself, but after some hesitation, she shut her mouth. When it was clear he wasn't going to get a reply, Sui harrumphed.

"I'll get answers out of you later. You best think carefully of what you want to say," Sui warned.

Yuehua bowed. "Yes, Master Sui."

Sui turned towards Guang. Guang instantly felt shivers run down his spine as Sui approached him. He wanted to move, to put some distance between them, but his feet were rooted in place and refused to work.

For the first time, Guang was afraid of Sui.

When Sui gently caressed his cheek with those freezingly cold hands of his, Guang may have stopped breathing. Sui was so, so close, that he could literally count the long eyelashes off his eyes. The way Sui observed him with such concern, the way he handled Guang so carefully, as if he was made of fragile glass - Guang's mind went blank.

"I'm sorry I came late," Sui apologised. There was not a single trace of anger towards him. Rather, Sui addressed him fondly, like how he did those many years ago. "I've missed you, Guang."

Upon hearing those words, he felt like his heart may have melted into a puddle of goo. Sui had missed him, too?

Abashed, Guang murmured softly, "I've missed you too, Sui. It's been so long."

Sui's face lightened up the way a Christmas tree would, and Guang swore it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

"We've just met the other day, no?" Sui teased. "At your family manor."

At his family...manor...

All of it came back to him now. His manor burning down, Sui standing above the corpses of his parents, the horror and helplessness he felt - all of it rose to his throat like scorching bile.

He can't let himself be deceived. The kind, pretty man before him is at the centre of the Long family incident. He mustn't let this opportunity slip by.

Steeling his nerves, Guang straightened his back.

Sui seemed to notice his change of mood. Tilting his head, he inquired, "Is something wrong, Guang?"

Guang took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Sui, we need to talk."


Guang's eyes widened in shock. Almost in slow-motion, he saw Sui fall sideways. The next thing he knew, Sui was clutching his missing right arm as he cried out and writhed in agony. Just now. It was the sound of a gunshot. Someone - somebody - had shot Sui. 

Embers of the Holy Warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें