Chapter 13

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I let a small hiss escape from my lips as I saw my father's killer. A large red and white animal stood before me, his pelt was covered in my father's blood and he growled, hatred within his red eyes. I unsheathed my claws as the animal lept tward me, his large fangs snapping furiously. He was acting crazily, like he didn't care if he died or not, he just wanted to kill something. Why was that?

I quickly moved from side to side as he snapped at me, trying to get a blow. I lept swiftly onto it's back and began to rake my claws against his bare back. He wailed with pain as he began to twist his neck trying to reach me. He continued to snap at me, though he was clearly at a disadvantage. I scrapped my claws along his back bone, showing no hint of fear nor pitty. All I felt was hatred for killing my father, one of that I loved and held dearly. He was now gone from this world, and I would now get my revenge! I continued to scrape his pelt with my claws, until he suddenly ran into a tree, he stopped snapping at me, and his body began to go limp, his body grew cold. I slowly removed myself from the creature's back and looked at his face. He had hit a tree head-on, his skull seemed to have been split open. His mouth was covered in drool and blood, his eyes looked horrible, like something had taken over him.

I suddenly remembered that this was the thing that killed Wavestep and I started to claw at his dead pelt. No emotion showed in my face as I took large chunks out of him, I ripped at his body, until it was all just a big pile of guts and blood. My once grey pelt, was now covered in this animal's red blood, my eyes that were once filled with joy, now seemed like a frozen blue ocean. I felt somewhat relieved, as a drop of rain fell from the sky, I looked up as rain began to drip from the sky. I slowly walked away from the animal, heading to camp. I got my revenge, I was thankful for that much... this world really is cruel, no one has pitty nor cares for anyone but themselves. I hate this world so many have to bare. I walked onto the stones that led to the other side of the stream, my paws gently touching each cool stone.


As I padded into camp, only a few cats were left hanging over Wavestep's dead body. Rainflower, Ripplestar, Dustpaw, Puddleleg, and Riversong. I padded over to them, with my emotionless face, my blood covered body, and my claws with fur still stuck in them. All eyes turned to be as I looked to Wavestep's dead body. I ignored everyone's horror after looking at me, I didn't care what I just did, I avenged father...

"What did you do!?" Rainflower asked me, her eyes filled with horror as she gazed at my blood-covered body.

"I avenged Wavestep, it's a simple as that." I hissed, my emotionless face, seemed to scare her all the more.

"You killed a fox, and all by yourself?" I turned to see Ripplestar with amazed eyes, wide with astonishment.

"So that's what that thing was." I meowed and I heard Dustpaw move from his sitting position.

"You haven't had any training for killing foxes, and yet, you killed one all by yourself.... not even a warrior could kill one by themselves with training, let alone an apprentice..." Ripplestar meowed, amazement in his voice.

"Are you okay Echopaw.. tell me the truth." Dustpaw meowed from behind me. I sighed and turned to him, my emotionless face didn't show a hint on giving in.

"I'm fine, I just feel like my purpose of being here is gone, I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you, and Rainflower." I meowed as a slightly glaced back at Rainflower.

"What do you mean wouldn't be here? Do you have somewhere else to go?" Dustpaw asked looking at me confusion filled his voice as he asked questions.

"I didn't use to live here, I use to live in a world of dreams. I was never really born on Earth, I was born in the silverpelt, near StarClan." I meowed as all eyes widened at my words.

"What are you talking about!? I gave birth to you, your only life is here!?" Rainflower meowed as confusion rang in her voice.

"No, your wrong, I came here because I wanted to destroy all hatred from this world and save all whom lived here. That's why I wanted to become leader, but I've now noticed no one could be happy without hatred. All my ideas were just another dream of mine, I thought I could make real." I meowed as a looked to the sky, rain drops soaking my body to the bone. I slowly closed my eyes as the rain continued to fall, I quickly opened them, all the rain began to slowly stop falling, the dropplets hung I'm mid air as everyone gasped. I turned emotionless to their amazed, yet confused faces and let out four heart chilling words.

"I hate this world."

Warriors: A Lit Dream Sky 《Dream Series Book 1》Where stories live. Discover now