Chapter 6

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I felt a warm breath touching my neck. It was so comforting, it was like Rainflower was cuddling me. I leaned in closer as the warmth grew. I could stay here forever, this warmth, this feeling, it was heartwarming. I want it to last forever, this moment...

"Echopaw, what a fool you are." I suddenly heard that cats voice, his peirceing red eyes still haunted my mind.

"G-go away!" I hissed running away as fast as I could. Why was he there, why does he still haunt me!? As I run, I hear his laughter behind me, his voice filled the darkness around me. I felt my paws ache as I ran away. Leave me alone, what do you want from me?!?

"Echopaw! Echopaw! Wake up!" I hear a voice calling out to me from the darkness. As I walk to it, a bright light lights from the darkness. I quickly fallow it's radiant light, my heart filling up with warmth once more. "Echopawwww?" I lift my head to see I was literally snuggling on top of Dustpaw.

"D-Dustpaw!!??" I meow quickly moving away from him, my face felt hot with embarrassment. "S-sorry!" I meow quietly, unable to meet his gaze. So he was the warmth I longed for, that's weird...

"A-are you okay you were talking I'm your sleep..." Dustpaw meowed, being a worried mother again.

"Yeah.... what did I say?" I asked as Dustpaw moved closer to me.

"Nothing... are you sure your okay?" He asked looking into my blue gaze and I nodded. Was he hiding something from me...?

"Hey, Dustpaw, Echopaw, wake up time to tra-" Suddenly Riversong walked into the den while me and Dustpaw were still pelt-to-pelt. We quickly looked at each other and moved away, embarrassed. Riversong walked in and coughed looking at me.

"Do you want to train with Dustpaw..?" He asked slightly glancing at Dustpaw. I quickly nod with a slight smile.

"Yes please!" I meow, rising to my paws, but for some reason they felt heavy... was it because of all that running I did? No, it couldn't be, that was just a dream! Wasn't it...? I get snapped out of my thoughts when Dustpaw nudged my sholder.


"Uh, yeah!" I meow in answer fallowing Dustpaw and Riversong out of the apprentice's den.


"So, Songstream can't be here today because she got a sprain and Lilacpetal said she needed to rest for several days before she can train Dustpaw again." Riversong meowed after coming from the medicine cat's den.

"Really!? Is she okay!?" Dustpaw asked, a worried look plastered on his face. There he goes again, being worried.

"She'll be fine after some rest." Riversong meowed comforting Dustpaw, looking back at me. "Echopaw, Ripplestar said that Dustpaw could train with us for the time being, if this is okay with you." As Riversong meowed these words Dustpaw almost jumped from exitement. I turned to Dustpaw's exited face, sighing.

"It's fine by me.." I meowed shrugging, but Dustpaw seemed so exited he couldn't hold it back.

"This is so exiting!" Dustpaw meowed as we walked to the training hallow. "Are we going to practice hunting, or battle skills first!?" He asked Riversong, but Riversong didn't answer, he just turned to me, again.... was everything up to me, or was he just torturing me!?

"Battle training sounds fine." I meowed in answer as Dustpaw happily skipped along. He was really enjoying this, wasn't he... as we reached the training hallow Riversong stopped and began explaining what I would learn today.

"For today I just want to do something simple. Dustpaw come here." Dustpaw nodded and walked over to Riversong as I sat to watch. "Today I'm going to demonstrate the front paw blow. This is a frontal attack where you bring your front paw down hard on your opponent's head. Make sure your claws are sheathed, they don't have to be, but there's no point because your not clawing at anything." Riversong explained as Dustpaw came at him. He quickly jumped in front of Riversong and attacked straight at him, slamming his front paw, just as Riversong had explained, onto his head with a loud thud. Dustpaw was so quick on his paws, he also knew when to strike, I want to be stronger than him. I want to be fast, smart, clever, and a good leader. I just need to learn all that and I can save everyone! I thought to myself proudly, but Qasim quickly snapped out of my though when Riversong talked to me. "Why don't you try it Echopaw?" Riversong meowed signaling for Dustpaw to take his place. We both nodded and I stood up, quickly running twards Dustpaw. I kept my claws sheathed as I jumped up and slammed my fore paw on his head.

"Like that?" I asked moving away from Dustpaw. Dustpaw and Riversong nodded as Dustpaw sat.

"Make sure you land your paw harder though, you don't want to just lightly tap them on the head, you want to hear a loud thud." Dustpaw meowed as I remembered the loud thud noise after he landed his paw on Riversong's head. I nodded and made a defensive stance.

"Again." I meowed as Dustpaw got up. I will become stronger than him, stronger than everyone. I will become leader, and thin I can save everyone! No matter what that cat says, I'm not a fool, and I can do this, no I will do this!

Warriors: A Lit Dream Sky 《Dream Series Book 1》Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon