Chapter 1

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The first thing that I could remember from my adventure on Earth was light, a bright light from my eyes that sent a chill through my spine. I heard my mother's soft voice for the first time.

"She's awake." She meowed gently licking my dark grey forehead. Her tongue was gentle and reassuring, I hoped that I could save this land and the cats whom lived here. "She's beautiful..." I quickly tryed to stand, though in vain. I wasn't quite use to this world. I pulled myself up, my legs shaking from effort. I took a breath holding myself in place. "Take it easy, don't rush things." I turned to see my mother's beautiful blue eyes and her shining light grey pelt in the beauty of the night.

"I want to learn as many things as I can from this world, mother." I meowed padding to the cave's entrance, but before I could leave a large grey tom with white paws stood before me.

"I'm sorry my little one, but you cannot leave until your old enough." I heard the cat gently meow clearly trying to calm me. I thrashed my tail in anger, I needed to see this world's secrets, and fast!

"Wavestep, she clearly doesn't need to be calmed, she's just exited about the outside. Maybe if you explained to her about the clan system, she may calm down." My mother meowed gently, this perked up my interest. I quickly padded to my mother's side, watching as Wavestep padded to me.

"Very well Rainflower..." He meowed half-hearted.


I was finally understanding this world more and more every second. Wavestep, my father, explained the whole "warrior system" to me. It seems that I cannot leave this cave called a 'nursery' where kits and nursing mothers live. I also heard that there isn't just one clan there are two. There use to be more, but since a all out war of four clans only ThunderClan, and the clan I am in now is RiverClan. It's going to be very interesting learning new customs and regulations. Maybe I could even one day be something called a leader. Maybe... maybe if I became the leader of RiverClan I could change their ways! I could save this land if I become leader! That's it! I jumped at the sudden idea.

"I want to become leader, how do I become one?!" I quickly meow looking at Wavestep, but he just starts laughing. "I-I'm serious!" I hiss flattening my ears onto my head. Wavestep and Rainflower looked at each other for a few moments and thin looked back at me.

"Your still much too young, you will have to become an apprentice, thin a warrior, a deputy, and thin after all that you will have to wait until Ripplestar, our current leader, to die. It would take lots of effort on your part, are you sure that's the path you want to take?" Wavestep asked, his face became all the more serious as he spoke. I quickly answer his question with a quick nod and grin. Both Wavestep and Rainflower giggled to themselves, but seemed to understand my preposition. I felt proud of my achievements so far, though I knew deep down that I had a long way to go to help this world they called theirs.

Warriors: A Lit Dream Sky 《Dream Series Book 1》Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum