Chapter 2 - Composure Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Why are we here?" I ask, but none of them answer me and instead guide me into the huge front doors of the building.

As we enter I can't help but notice other kids around my age are seated in a long row of chairs in front of a huge stage looking platform.

The officers sit me down in the only empty chair left in the row.

My eyes fall on the other kids, they look just as confused and scared as I am.

"Sit tight, and don't try running again, please." The blue eyed soldier says to me before joining the other guards around the room.

"Hey, do you know what all this is about?" I whisper to the girl next to me.

"I have no idea, I went to school today only for them to do an emergency test drill on us. After they tested me they took me here..." she never looks in my direction which I just assume is to not draw attention to use talking.

"Shit, this is so fucked up." I close my eyes hoping my level isn't the highest in the room...

Maybe if one of these kids is more powerful than me, they'll forget this whole thing happened and let me go home.

"Good evening children." A man walking onto the platform in front of us says before observing all of us.

"You must be wondering what this is about," he takes a deep breath before continuing.

"It has come to our attention a very serious situation... and well, it has also come to our attention that our system of government has slipped up in the past few years, which has allowed people to slip through the system. And while we aren't exactly sure how this has happened, we are taking measures to ensure it doesn't happen again."

He pauses for a moment looking over at someone behind us.

"So, to explain why you're here. We have been given orders by... the higher levels... to re-test over the past few weeks all over the country. And you few are who i'm in charge of sadly.
Now obviously there aren't a lot of you, but like I said, our orders are to identify anyone who tests high in a low level area."

He stutters before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath and collecting his thoughts.

Something feels off about this...

"So, we will be retesting you now with specialist doctors trained in level readings. Best case scenario we send you back home and have a little talk with your parents..." He gives us a reassuring smile, but something about it doesn't feel reassuring...

"And worse case?" I ask just as he was about to walk off the platform.

He pauses before turning to face me.

"Well, hopefully it doesn't come to worst case." He looks behind me one more time before exiting the room.

What the hell does he keep looking at?
And what the fuck is worst case-

A few moments pass before the specialist enter and start testing the line of kids. Luckily I'm at the end of the line. As they finish testing each kid they end up telling one of the guards to take each kid home and apologize for what's happened. And eventually this happens until there is no one left but me.

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