Mercy rhymes with Percy 💀💀💀 how ironic

Start from the beginning

"But don't destroy this." Tartarus pointed to a portrait of him on the wall. "I like it." Percy facepalmed.

"Ok, don't destroy the tapestries. Just destroy those annoying assholes." He snapped his fingers, and Typhon unfroze, roared in fury, and started smashing at the gods.

"Kronos wants to see you in Tartarus." Tartarus whispered into Percy's ear as chaos reigned around the throne room.

"What does he want?" He asked, raising a brow. Tartarus shrugged.

"I have no clue. Probably another plan on taking down Camp Jupiter. He's having trouble coming up with those kinds of plans." 

"I'll go there right away." Percy looked around. "Uh, does this lead to Tartarus?" He pointed to the hole Typhon made.

"Yep." The primordial nodded. 

"Ok. See ya." Percy saluted and leaped into the pit of darkness.

Percy's POV—

"Why do you want me to go to Tartarus?" I asked Kronos.

I have something to show you. The titan simply replied. Go to Akhlys' poison field.

I felt his presence leave me. Huh. I guess he's strong enough to get a physical form now. Oh well. I guess I'll find out what happens.

>>>Le Time Skip<<<

3rd Person

Percy landed on the floor of the Pit with a loud thump.

"Oh hey, it's right in Akhlys' field!" He said delightedly. Not like there was anything to be delighted by.

"Percy Jackson." A rather familiar voice said from the shadows. 

"Kronos—what the crap?!" He stared at Kronos in horror. "Your hair..." The Titan lord looked like he had a bad hair day.

"What?" Kronos demanded. "What's wrong with my hair?" Percy pointed shakily at his head.

"It's green."

"WHAT?!" He shouted. "FUCK YOU, KRIOS! YOU SAID MY HAIR WAS FINE!" Percy grimaced.

"Sorry, dude." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "So, what did you want to call me for?" Kronos sighed as he shifted his hair, turning it bright purple.

"How is it now?" He asked.

"Did you mean for it to be purple?" Percy asked. Kronos stomped his foot in frustration.

"Argh, it's been so long since I've taken a physical form. I'm just going to go with the good old armor." He snapped his fingers, and a Greek-style helmet and shiny armor appeared on his body. "That's better. Now, yes, I called you for something very important."


"I'd like to tell you the truth before I kill you." Percy's face morphed into confusion.


"The gods never betrayed you." He said simply. "Tartarus possessed them to accuse you of Annabeth's father's murder. And one of my monsters killed her father."

"Well, Tartarus sure acted stupid through Zeus. I almost bought the act." Percy laughed, as if Kronos said that Tartarus did a theater act. The titan lord blinked.

"H-how?" He stuttered. Percy frowned.

"What? Surprised I found out your act?" He smirked coldly. "I'm not stupid, Kronos. I know all about your plan to get revenge on me so you could get me on your side and then throw me into the Sea of Chaos." Kronos' mouth dropped open. "I knew that you manipulated the gods to do it. You thought you were slick and clever, but you can't trick me like that." Reference?

Kronos was so suprised that he couldn't say anything for a moment.

"B-but Krios made up that plan! It couldn't have gone wrong!" He wailed. Percy stared at him in amusement as he seethed and did a mini tantrum.

"I think you'd want to stop there, Kronos." Percy held out his hand, and Kronos froze like a statue, his face contorted with pain. 

"Perseus!" Kronos managed to gasp. "What is this treacherous thing you are doing?"

"It's called murder. Ever heard of it?" Percy rolled his eyes. 

"No! I must rule Olympus...I must have my revenge!"

"Oh, you won't be doing that anytime soon." Percy whispered. "Because you won't rule Olympus. No, not ever. I will."

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