The smile he had never seemed to had left his face.

Izumi blushed from both embarrassment and the sudden smile he had.

She covered her face in her palm as she felt her face heating up.

She didn't want to seem desperate.

But it seems she looked desperate at the start.

Shouto chuckled slightly at that.

He, himself, blushed a bit after he was done chuckling.

You shouldn't laugh at others embarrassment.

He remembered his mother's words.

At the moment, he didn't seem to care much of it.

The small smile turned a bit bigger at the thought.

Izumi lifted her head from her palms and nodded at Shouto.

"Well since I've noticed you're here now, it doesn't matter." She said.

Her face started to cool down as she said that.

It was said more so to comfort herself.

A small blush was left in place of her flushed face.

Shouto nodded.

He left his expression with a small smile and looked forward.

She smiled a bit at that.

"Ah yes, to answer your question, I do know him." Izumi smiled brightly as she said that.

Shouto looked at Izumi.

The smile slowly disappeared from his face as he heard that.

He nodded to her words.

"Do you guys talk together in class?" Izumi asked.

Her voice trembled a bit at the start.

She fiddled with her fingers as she asked.

Shouto shook his head at the question.

"I don't talk to him." He said.

Izumi, both internally and physically, sighed with relief and smiled once again.


She seemed more happier than she believes she should be at the moment.

A sudden wave of students booing made its way across the place.

Izumi laughed awkwardly at that.

"He must've said something egoistic."

Izumi thought and shook her head.



Izumi shrieked as she was suddenly lifted off the ground.

She soon found her body to be held with cold arms.

She blinked in confusion before realizing what was going on.

Her face started flushing for a moment.

She soon after started shaking her head.

Focus in the moment.

"What are-" Izumi started.

Before she could finished her question, the other started talking.

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