CH 8

109 4 1

They slowed down to stop in their strides.

"Thank you so much, young lady! I thought I would have been in serious trouble had you not come to guide me." The woman smiled softly and laughed.

"You're welcome, anytime!" Izumi nodded and gave a smile of her while looking around.

"Where is your son if I may ask?" Izumi said as she looked at the woman.

The woman looked at Izumi and smiled brightly.

"Ah my son?" The woman seemed to be acting innocent.

"Don't worry he will be right here! You can wait a bit more if you want to see him!"

The woman smiled with a knowing look as her smile got bigger.

Izumi gave a side glance, looking around, while feeling as if she had been found out.

In truth it should be the woman that should feel as if she had been found out, not her.

"Ah, I see. Don't worry I won't stay here for long. I just want to make sure you get to your son safely before I make my way inside." Izumi said, grinning in her mind for she knew she didn't mess up the act.


She was finding this to be fun.
They both knew but still acted as if they didn't.

It would be nice to see Shouto again, since I haven't been to the beach in a while.

That was a thought she had over the week and she finally had her chance to.

So why would she leave when she finally had a chance?

She might come off as a shy, clueless, and friendly person at first, to some people, but she stood to her wants and desires fairly well.


"As I see. Thank you once again young lady. May I ask for your name?" The woman said a bit happy she didn't give in.

"I guess it would be fine. My name is-" Izumi couldn't finish for someone had called her name.

"Izumi, what are you doing here?" A monotone voice called out behind her, with a slight hint of confusion.

She was a bit surprised at someone surprising her from the back ; but gladly, she realized the monotone voice and didn't kick the person.

She looked up behind her and smiled with a blush before turning herself.

"Hello Shouto-kun! Good afternoon!" Izumi said happily. She hadn't seen him in a week, and for some reason it felt longer, and this made her very happy.

Shouto smiled and nodded.

It's been a week since she saw Izumi and the random meeting made him happy.

Sadly, he doesn't realize that himself.

He noticed her when he was coming to the spot his mother had texted him to go, after leaving him at the bathroom.

He was confused at that.

While he was looking around for his mother, he saw a green, fluffy, curly hair, that Izumi had, and made his way to her unconsciously.

He had done this without realizing what he was doing.

He realized as he got behind her.

"I was just helping this woman here," Izumi showed the woman with her hands, "she's waiting for her son. She got lost so I helped her a bit."

Shouto looked confused before looking behind her.

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