CH 14

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"What are we doing today!?" A salmon pink haired girl excitedly asked.

She seemed to have a lot of energy for the day; especially the time on that day.


It was currently 8:01, or so, and the girl was already full of energy.

Almost as if said feature had an association with her quirk.

One would say that she was too much for them, which was very much true.

Thankfully, the person she was talking to seems not to mind.


"I don't know Hatsume. I think I might just go home after school this time."  Izumi answered after some thought.

She nodded as she had said that.

Hatsume pouted then crossed her hands.

"Are you sure?" She squinted her eyes and gazed at Izumi.

The said girl nodded a bit with a slight chuckle.

"Don't worry I'm sure." Izumi said after her chuckle.

"What are you even doing here? Homeroom is not starting until a bit later. Shouldn't you be making more 'babies'?"

Izumi continued.

She was genuinely asking to ask and not to remove Hatsume from her side.

As she got to the end of her question, she made sure to whisper it slighter.

This was done in hopes that no one can really bother to make process of what she said.

For it they did, she was sure that their minds will head on the wrong way.

Hatsume had a strange way of speaking.

Her interests, especially how she describes them, was quite "unique."

One would say that she was quite crazy in the head; but in truth, she was just very passionate about what she does.

Hatsume sighed.

"I guess I should, but I need more inspiration! And you are just the person to help with!"

Her eyes began to shine as she continued her words.

She hurriedly then latched onto Izumi's hands as she said her last sentence.

Izumi then nervously chuckled.

"Haha, yes I'm sure." Izumi then did a soft smile towards Hatsume.

"Sorry Hatsu, I would love the help but I need to meet up with someone at the moment." At the said of the person, her face glowed.

Hatsume sighed again, as a pout also formed.

"Don't tell me it's that duo hair boy." She crossed her hands.

Izumi blushed slightly.

"Haha, don't worry it's not that person." She laughed a bit as she said that.

"It's someone I have to see to help me with an assignment I'm struggling on at the moment!"

She sighed internally for a moment.

She was glad that she had not rushed her words for it wouldn't have been convincing enough.

The blush might've given it away slightly, but one shouldn't pay attention to such small details anyways.

Hatsume stared at Izumi for a few seconds before shrugging.

"Suit yourself. You know where to find me when you change your mind!" She happily said before turning away.

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