Chapter One;

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It was a cool night and the Autobot commander; Optimus Prime was standing on the tarmac, avoiding Elita because of their fight.

Optimus was only worried about her but she didn't get it and now he caught her cheating on him with another guy and Optimus was hurt and he vowed to never be emotionally vulnerable again.

So Optimus closed off his emotions to avoid another heartbreak and kept his deepest emotions to himself.

As he stood there, staring out into the night, he couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. He missed the connection he had with Elita, the way they used to laugh and talk for hours on end. But now, it seemed like all of that was gone.

Optimus knew that he had to move on, to focus on his duties as the Autobot commander. He couldn't let his personal life interfere with his responsibilities. So he pushed aside his feelings and buried them deep within himself.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the pain of betrayal. It lingered in the back of his mind, a constant reminder of what he had lost.

And as he stood there in the cold night air, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to open up to someone again.

But for now, Optimus Prime remained stoic and reserved, a shell of his former self. And as he watched the stars twinkle overhead, he vowed to never let anyone else break his heart.

He would protect himself at all costs, even if it meant sacrificing his happiness.

Optimus was training some soldiers and a woman hit every target perfectly she was the best sharpshooter on the team and he was impressed with her, and he knew that she had been part of NEST for almost two years, and he was close with her via friendship as she was his partner during missions.

As Optimus watched the woman effortlessly hit every target with precision and skill, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. She was a valuable asset to the team, her expertise in sharpshooting unmatched by any other. He had seen her in action before during missions, her quick reflexes and accuracy always coming in handy.

Optimus approached her after the training session, a hint of admiration in his voice as he commended her on her performance. "Impressive shooting, as always," he said with a nod of approval. The woman smiled gratefully, grateful for the recognition from her commander.

They chatted for a while, discussing tactics and strategies for the next mission. Optimus appreciated her insights and respected her opinions, knowing that she had valuable experience in the field.

As they talked, Optimus realized that despite his vow to keep his emotions guarded, he felt a sense of camaraderie and connection with this woman. He valued her skills and dedication, and he knew that she was someone he could trust in the heat of battle.

Maybe, just maybe, he could open up again, to let someone new into his life. As he watched the woman walk away, ready to prepare for the next mission, Optimus couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope flicker within him.

Hope for a new beginning, and perhaps even a chance at love once more.

Optimus and Alice or Ace for short were on a Decepticon hunt and she aimed her rifle hitting the con in the head and killing him instantly.

Optimus was not quick enough, and he was hit Alice hit every con, and she called back up, and Optimus was hit and down as she soldered his wound shut the best she could it was enough to stop the bleeding.

As the Decepticons attacked, Alice, or Ace as she was known, proved her skills once again, taking down the enemies with precision and accuracy. But in the chaos of battle, Optimus found himself overwhelmed, a Decepticon managing to land a hit on him.

Unsual LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora