Chapter 1: Wedding Opening Melody/Meeting... Branch's Eldest Brother?!

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{21 years later}

A lot has happened ever since BroZone splitted up. But right now after a entire year, GirlZone finally reunited with Shakeah. And also in the now right now, There was a wedding happening today. Not just any wedding (Definitely not Branch and Shakeah's... yet), It was the wedding between Gristle and Bridget and all of the Trolls of Trollstopia were invited there also. But what will happen if a 'certain someone' shows up unexpectedly, But Branch actually somehow happens to know him... Anyways on to the story.

Shakeah was walking to Branch's Grandmother's Pod to show him her beautiful purple floral bridesmaid's dress (Just imagine what it looks like) where he is right now listening to some of BroZone's old records

Branch was listening to some BroZone songs while he sadly looks at the cover of a BroZone record album that was left here in his Grandma's Pod for 20 years and while thinking about his 'certain past', Unknowing to him that Shakeah entered the Pod since he wasn't looking

Then Shakeah dusted her purple floral bridesmaid dress a tiny bit before seeing Branch in his current state right now, Then she softly smiles at her boyfriend. Then she clears her throat to get Branch's attention, Then she said "Branch?"

Then Branch said after hearing Shakeah's voice and while quickly turning of the music and putting the disk back in it's record album and dropping it behind him on the floor as he hides his current feelings with a fake smile "What? *Sees Shakeah* Oh, Hey"

Then Shakeah said after taking a few steps towards him "Are you okay? You're smiling and crying at the same time. It kind of looks like it's hurting your face"

Then Branch said while losing his fake smile and rubbing his cheeks with his hands "It does hurt my face", Then he said after he stopped rubbing his face and while giving his usual frown and starting to put the record disk back into its album when he turned towards it "I guess I'm just missing my, Um... *Clears His Throat And Crosses His Arms* Grandma. *Uncrosses His Arms, Then Puts The Record Disk Back Into It's Record Album Case* I was just listening to some of her old records."

Then Shakeah saw the record album's cover which happens to be BroZone and her face became really excited as she said "BroZone?! No way!, *Snatches The BroZone Album Out Of Branch's Hands After He Putted The Record Disk Back Inside Of It, Then Looks At It With A Lot Of Excitement* I love BroZone!"

Then Branch said with happy widened eyes before clearing his throat and tries to act cool "Really? *Quickly Clears His Throat And Starts Acting Cool* I mean... Really?"

Then Shakeah said "Let's say... my favourite BroZone singer is Bitty B, He was so cute and adorable"

Then Branch secretly smiles happily when he heard those words from his girlfriend

Then Shakeah said to Branch before tossing the BroZone Album back to Branch which he quickly caught "I didn't know you liked them too."

Then Branch said after quickly catching it and then holding the BroZone Album in his arms "I don't, I'm actually hate-listening. It's a new thing, My Grandma had very questionable taste. I mean, Just look at how she decorated this place. I'm sorry, But there are some things that just shouldn't be macraméd. Am I right?", Then he puts the BroZone Album away

Then Shakeah said while looking at Branch and having a sly yet teasing smirk "Kind of seems like there's something you're not telling me~"

Then Branch said while hesitating and lying and while blushing madly "What? *Fakes Scoffs* Don't be silly, No"

Then Shakeah said "*Lifts Branch's Up For Him To Look At Her As Branch Looks Deep Into His Girlfriend's Eyes* Branch, Hey... look at me. I need you to be real with me, *Holds Both Of Branch's Hands While Caressing Them With Her Thumbs* It's seems more than a macramé issue. If you're having feelings, You can talk about them with me"

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