'Come with me,' she began to drag him inside, placing him in front of Tokyo, who was almost getting his head stitched.

'You will be fine... Don't worry... Please close your eyes... Why is he awake?'

'We can't give him anesthesia... It doesn't work like that... He will die... Anyway, hurry up...' the doctor said seriously.

'Y-You go to the interview... G-Go,' Tokyo weakly managed to say it.

'N-No, I won't,' Grey began to cry when the doctor yelled out.

'If he said go, then go... Can't you see him? He's getting operated, but still, he begged us... Listen to him. Please,' the doctor sighed, holding his stress, as it was a very crucial moment.

Grey nodded, moving out, he looked at Tharn.

'Take me to the interview area... He wants me to go there,' he said, and Tharn immediately nodded.

'Exactly... Let's go,' he said, wiping his tears. Before moving out, Tharn looked at Type.

'Make sure nothing happens to my brother. I love him so much. P-Please,' his voice cracked, but managing himself, both the guys moved out, and Grey finally reached the interview area.

When he walked inside, he had cleaned up a little bit, but the bloodstains were still there.

'What's this joke? Is this fun for you?' the lady asked, who was sitting in the middle.

'Actually, my husband met with an accident, and I took him to the hospital, that's why it's like that.'

'So you left your husband at the hospital and still came here?' another man asked, and Grey explained everything.

'Ok, anyways, relax, and do you need anything?' the lady asked, understanding his points.

'Can you guys please... I mean, don't... I mean,' Grey just didn't want to say it because it was so unprofessional.

'Of course, we understand. Let's start with the question,' the man said, and the interview finally began. It was, of course, a long interview, and as soon as he finished it, the guy thanked everyone and rushed out. There, he got a call from Tharn.

'I have hired a cab for you; it must be outside. Please come home directly. Tokyo is ok; we have shifted him home,' the moment he heard that, the guy broke down and fell to the ground. He wiped his tears and finally reached home with the cab.

As soon as he entered, he saw Tokyo was resting in his room, and everyone was sitting beside him.

'You look so innocent and pretty like this... Be quiet and calm like this always,' Tharn said, at least to make Tokyo happy, but the guy was just sitting seriously with an injured head, so saying anything.

As soon as his eyes went towards Grey, Tokyo finally spoke.

'H-How did your interview go?' he asked, and Grey nodded.

'It went well,' Grey replied, moving closer, and Tokyo sighed, looking at Tharn.

'Let's go outside; let him rest. Tell me if you need anything... Although I'm not your servant, but still, you can tell me,' Tharn said, and Tokyo threw a pillow at him. Smiling, Tharn just kissed his brother, and they all walked out. Grey gently touched Tokyo's cheeks and began to cry out loud.

'I love you... I was scared, I was so scared that I will lose you too... I was so scared " he cried holding his hands...

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere... Go freshen up and come massage my legs... When I fell down, I cramped my legs," he spoke in a low voice, and nodding, Grey immediately took a shower. Coming out, he sat down beside him to massage his legs when Tokyo held his hands and grabbed his head.

Grey looked up, and his eyes widened when the guy pulled him closer and kissed his cheeks.

"T-thank you. Everyone loves me so much... but there were times when everyone has their own priorities... But today I felt that I'm your priority... I have always treated you like crap... Thanks for loving me." These words hit Grey's heart, and he was just so happy.

"I love you, and you are my wife... of course, you are my priority... You will always be."

"Thanks for loving me, but I don't love you... Thanks because you care for me... I like this fact, but you are ugly... I don't want to be in love with you... Never... Anyway, help me to sleep," he asked, and nodding gently, Grey pulled his body down and laid him on the bed, making sure he slept well.

"Give me your first salary because of me; you were able to attend the interview, okay?" Tokyo said, and giggling, Grey nodded.

"Can I kiss your cheeks? I mean, just like Tharn did? No pervert feelings?" It was bold of Grey to ask,and surprisingly, Tokyo nodded.

"Only once... Hurry up," blushing, Grey slowly bent down and kissed his cheeks when Tharn walked in.

"Umm... I-I'm sorry... I-I'm sorry," Tharn said and immediately ran away. Meanwhile, Grey immediately backed away when Tokyo held his hands.

"Don't be scared; you are my husband."Tokyo spoke and Grey remembered and grinned looking at him..

"Oh yes... Can I once again... Last time Tharn came?" He asked and got a solid glare from Tokyo and immediately shut his mouth from his finger and laid down keeping his eyes shut... When the guy fell asleep Tokyo looked around and getting closer he hugged the guy and kissed his cheek...

"When I saw you crying for me... When I saw you were reluctant to leave even though your interview was going on... I realised you are actually a gem... Offcourse I will pretend hard to get because I m Tokyo but  my husband... I m so happy with the fact that someone actually love me so much, everyone loves me but I know that you love me more than anyone... I-i-i love you" Tokyo said smiling and hugging his husband the guy fell asleep...

A/N- long chapter as i couldn't give you regular update, i hole you guys are liking the plot... And those who are waiting for drama... It's on the way, don't forget who I m... I ain't a sweet drama lover... neither my stories are... 🤣

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