A United Front

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"MYAH! Gh-gh-ghosts!" Grim yowls as he runs back over to the group,"Give it a rest, scaredy cat!" Ace says with annoyance as he and Deuce pull their magical pens out while y/n hugs her stomach protectively,"Ghosts are about the last thing we need right now..." Deuce grits his teeth as he spares y/n a sideway glance, very much concern about her safety and health.

"Let's give those ghosts the slip and run got it! Follow my lead!" he adds before hauling y/n over his shoulder as the group ran from the ghosts haunting the mine,"Eek! Give a warning next time!" y/n yelps as she wraps one around Deuce neck while the boys fired magic attacks at the ghosts.

"Sorry about that!" Deuce says apologetically as he fires another magic attack. Y/n gasps as she spots a ghost coming in from the side of Ace,"Ace, to your right!" she shouts and Ace quickly reacts by firing his wind magic, blowing the ghost away from himself,"Thanks for that!" he pants as y/n gives him a thumbs up.

They quickly ran around a corner and kept running while Grim looked back,"They're still hot on our tails!" he pants as Deuce feels y/n tighten her grip around him,"What's the...hurry? Ease... Ease up a but, would ya?" one of the ghosts pants and y/n raises a brow at it,[Ghosts can get exhausted?] she thought as the ghosts slowed down slightly.

"And just how's a ghost short of breath!?" Grim questions the very thought y/n had come up with,"Right!?" she says wide eyed,"Maybe ghosts have lungs?" Deuce questions, barely breathing heavily,"But Deuce, they're ghosts!" y/n reminds him while Ace grits his teeth,"We don't have time for this! Let's MOVE!" he says as he quickly takes the lead and runs around another corner.

Finally, they lost the ghosts and immediately stopped running to catch their breath,"Hah... Phew! I think we lost 'em!" Grim says with a relieved breath while Deuce gently places y/n down,"We're not out of the woods yet. Let's keep going!" the blue haired urges as he grabs y/n's hand and leads her along.

However, Grim jumps when he hears a strange noise near them,"Myah! Did you hear a noise just now?!" he quivers as he races up to walk beside y/n,"We didn't lose them after all?" Deuce worries before Ace held a finger up,"Shh! Something's over there!" he whispers as he points down the tunnel. As soon as he did, two more ghosts appear,"Are you kidding me!?" y/n frowns with irritation.

"More ghosts?! They're floating around here too!" Ace yelps as he takes a few steps back as Deuce let's y/n's hand go,"If we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere. Let's just keep moving." he advises,"Sure, but don't act like we voted you team leader. The only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt you pulled." Ace spat with a glare.

"Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window-cleaning punishment!" Deuce exclaims, raising his voice,"So, we're bringing up ancient history now? Then if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when furball torched that statue!" Ace shouts as he points at Grim,"Myah?! Maybe you shouldn'ta made fun of me, then!" Grim retorts angrily as n rubs her stomach nervously, which Deuce didn't miss.

"Guys! We're in real hot water, remember?! If we don't come back with a magestone by morning, we're all being expelled!" he reminds the group,"Yeah, which is why we don't need you ordering the rest of us around. It gets old real fast." Ace says with a frown and y/n rubs the bridge of her nose,"Would all of you stop acting childish for once!?" she shouts as the boys shut their mouths to stare at her with wide eyes.

However, the silence is broken when a deep echoey voice speaks up,"...iiivvv... ...oooouuu..." it says, alarming the group,"Huh?!" they all look around for the source, very much on edge as y/n noticed the other ghosts were gone too,"Wh-where's that comin' from?" Ace stutters as he tightens his grip around his pen,"...neeevvvaaa... ...iiivvv... ...ooouuu..." the disoriented voice speaks again, although louder this time as the group hear something heading towards them.

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