Chapter 4

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"Oh my goodness, is that the ocean?" She gasped as she walked past a little sand hill and spotted soft waves kissing the sandy shore in front of her. "I thought he was joking!"

"My dear?" Mr. Thomas asked in confusion as he watched her eagerly remove her shoes and press her toes into the soft sand.

She giggled as she picked up a handful of the soft brown sand and watched it trickle back down onto the ground. "When I was little Duke used to say the o...o...ocean was in his backyard but I didn't believe him. He n...n...never took me and I didn't hear the waves so I thought he was playing."

Mr. Thomas chuckled and shook his head, "well now you know that he was telling the truth and that boat over there by the dock is yours. Raine and Wolf both can captain it for when you feel brave enough to see your islands."

He watched her stand and walk a couple of steps into the soft dark blue waves. She watched the sun paint across the water and breathe in the salty air. "This is too much," she spoke softly, her eyes not moving from the picture painting in front of her. "I don't deserve this."

"Now, now, none of that," Mr. Thomas gently scolded as he walked over to her. A quick glance back told him that Wolf was standing back but could still hear her. He was giving her privacy while still being close enough to protect her if need be. "Edward knew that you are not your parents, Evangeline. He knew you understand the concept of hard work and you put your everything in what you do. You value what you earn and you are passionate about your work. He knew that you don't take things for granted and that's why he knew you would appreciate all this. That's why he had no qualms about leaving all this to you. You do deserve this."

"I'll try to keep making him proud," she promised as she wiped at a few tears with her sleeve.

"I know you will," he nodded. "Now, come on, let's head back. The thunder is getting closer and you don't want to be out here when it starts raining. Besides, I'm too old to be driving in the rain."

"I will take you home," Wolf growled as he typed on his phone.

Mr. Thomas nodded as he started to walk back towards the path. Evangeline turned back to the water and watched for a couple more minutes before she sighed and headed to her shoes. She sat down in the soft sand and took handfuls of it to watch it trickle back to the ground before a clearing of the throat behind her had her quickly slipping her shoes back on. She mumbled sorry as she passed the two men and walked back towards the garden.

The thunder rolled loudly as the temperature dropped a few degrees, announcing the upcoming rain. She looked up at the sky and smiled softly as she watched it darken. For some reason she never feared storms, sure she didn't like it when the windows rattled and the house shook as the thunder rumbled right above it but it wasn't scary to her, more like it was just too loud. She actually found the sound soothing, so much so that she often left the windows cracked in her apartment so she could listen to it as she relaxed.

As she approached the gardens she felt a soft mist touch her skin. She blinked in surprise as the air in front of her cast a hazy shimmer and warmth surrounded her. Confusion filled her as a few steps back the air was colder and now it was suddenly warm. She held her hand out and gasped softly as the mist felt like a blanket wrapping around her.

"Come on," Wolf snapped as he took her small hand in his and pulled her quickly through the gardens. "You don't need to be out here. You don't want to get sick now do you?"

"Did you see that?" she asked as she struggled to make sure she didn't trip over her feet.

"It's kind of hard to miss rain," he said with annoyance in his tone.

"No, the shimmer," she tried to protest. "Did you see the shimmery mist?"

"It's the light hitting the rain," he said as he pushed open the back door. "There was no shimmer. Now go dry off."

She opened her mouth to protest but the dark look in his eyes had her quickly shutting it while heading to the stairs to try and find what room was hers.

"Your room is this way, Ma'am," Raine said as he suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs. She caught herself before she fell down the couple of steps she had taken before he appeared and nodded. Once she reached the top he started walking down the hallway that led to the right. "The master bedroom is now your room and our rooms are in the left wing should you ever need us during the night. I am sure there will be some changes you will like to make to the room, let me know what you will like and I will take care of it. Duke Hines told us that you like blues and purples so I have already made some changes but any other changes you wish to have, just let me know. Here you go," he stopped in front of the wooden door that was at the end of the hall.

He opened the door and she walked past him. "Oh my," she whispered as she took in the cerulean blue walls and four post canopy king size bed with sheer purple lace drapes. She approached the bed and tears welled up as she looked upon the deep purple roses comforter and numerous pillows.

"Miss?" she quickly blinked back the tears before she turned to face Raine. "Are there any immediate changes you would like me to make?"

"No," her voice croaked before she cleared it while pulling on the bottom of her shirt, "no, it's perfect, thank you."

"Very well," he briskly nodded. "Just let me know."

She turned back to the bed and heard him start to leave when she suddenly realized something, "Oh wait," she called out, making him turn back around while standing in the doorway. He raised an eyebrow while he waited. She clutched the sides of her shirt and bit the bottom of her lip nervously, "Um, I did...did...," she huffed in frustration as she looked up at the ceiling. Taking a deep breath she slowly let it out and tried again. A quick look told her that he stood there patiently and she appreciated that he didn't rush her. "I, um, didn't realize I would be living here so I d...did...didn't bring anything with me."

He nodded once, "I'll have Wolf escort you to your place to pack a few things for tonight and tomorrow we can figure out arrangements for moving you here, Ma'am."

She nodded, " you."

He nodded then turned and left her alone in the room, shutting the door behind him.

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