Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry but I do not really understand why I need bodyguards," she spoke softly as she looked around the library some more. "Was Duke mixed up with something?"

Mr. Thomas chuckled as he shook his head, "No, but when you inherited his estate, you also inherited all his investments, business shares, other properties, and unfortunately his enemies as well. Evangeline, Duke wanted to make sure you were protected from everyone. Especially the people that would try to do anything to get their hands on Duke's prize possessions."

"But you're making it seem like those guys live here all the time, don't they have lives outside of this estate? I mean surely they have a life outside of here, I don't want them giving everything up to live here 24/7 to protect me from some person that wants what they didn't earn," she frowned.

"Evangeline, these men know what they are doing. Their parents took care of Duke as he took care of what he inherited and made it grow even more with his successes. They were raised to do exactly what they were doing. They take pride in their positions and now it will bring them the honor to continue in doing so for you. Can you understand that?"

"I guess," she sighed, "but I don't like it. Makes me feel weird."

He chuckled, "I can understand that this is new for you, it will take some time to adjust to everything and for you four to learn how to live together. How about I give you a tour since it's been a while since you have been here?"

"Try like a decade," she muttered as she nodded before smiling. "Sure, sounds perfect, thank you."

She wasn't sure how she would get used to living with three men now but one thing was for certain. She was used to taking care of herself and she was perfectly fine to continue doing so. That way she wouldn't feel guilty for disturbing what they already do and make their lives harder than it already was by having her move in.

He started to stand but then sat back down, "Look Evangeline, I know that you probably don't feel like you deserve this but from what Duke has told me, you do. You are the one who will cherish this and not take it for granted. If that doesn't mean you have a pure heart then I don't know what does."

Her eyes filled with tears but she managed to blink them away. "Thank you," she whispered. "Are you absolutely positive that my parents can't take this away from me? They can't get a lawyer to try and take it from me or force me to put their names on everything to try and "control" it for me or anything like that?" She cleared her throat, "I know that Duke was my father's uncle so he has more ties to him than I do bloodline-wise. I mean," she sighed as she pushed some hair behind her ear, "I just know that once they find out, it's going to cause a shitshow and their dramatics can give the Springer show a run for their money. I really don't want to think of the drama they will try to cause."

Mr. Thomas shook his head, "Now that you have signed everything, there is nothing that your parents can do. Duke left everything to you, so even if they try to hire a lawyer, you already have me on retainer so I will take care of it. This is yours and they can't take it from you, I promise." He patted her hand and she smiled gratefully. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Lunch is served," Raine said as he stood in the doorway.

"Perfect timing," Mr. Thomas said as he stood. "Come, My Dear, let's have lunch with everyone, I can properly introduce you now. I will give you the tour after we have lunch so I can make sure you have plenty of energy to see everything." He looped her hand around his arm and gently led her out of the library.

As Raine opened the door that she knew led to the dining room, she saw the scary-looking man from the gate already sitting at the table. His eyes never left hers as Mr. Thomas led her over to the head chair.

"I'm sorry, I can't," she whispered as she shook her head. "That's Duke's."

"Yes," he nodded gently, "but now it's yours."

"I can't," she shook her head as a couple of tears slipped down. "Not yet."

"Alright," he patted her hand. "Then just sit where you used to for today. You can work up to it."

She smiled at him as she sat in what she considered her normal seat which was next to his. Mr. Thomas gently squeezed her shoulder as a man with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes suddenly appeared with a tray of food. He sat it on the table then tensed when he realized she was there. He was similar to the other two men and she spotted tribal-style tattoos on his arms. She thought she saw a dragon on his left arm but she wasn't completely sure since he turned his back to her to look at the other men in the room.

"Gentlemen, as you can already surmise, this is Evangeline Willows, Duke's great niece. Evangeline, you have already met Raine and Wolf, this fine gentleman," he walked over to the blonde and patted his shoulder, "is Cirro."

"Hey," he nodded before he muttered about needing to grab something from the kitchen and left in a rush.

"Let's enjoy," Mr. Thomas smiled as he sat down beside her. She watched as Cirro reappeared and made everyone's plates before he made his. Once everyone was sitting down, Mr. Thomas turned to the man she recognized from the gate, "Wolf, after lunch, I will be showing Evangeline the property."

He stared at the lawyer for a minute then turned his soulless looking eyes onto the other two men. There was a long stare between the three men before he turned his icy gaze upon her. She forced herself not to squirm under his hold before he looked down at his watch and grunted, "Fine."

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