Chapter Six

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~One Week Later~

He's dead.

I'm numb.

I feel like I could die.


I lifted my tear-stained, puffy, reddened face and stared back at the person who was staring at me.

"Daisy. Just talk to me."

My ears began to ring and fade in and out. The world went dark and I drifted into a very deep unconscious state. I felt safe there. Warm and untouched. So much better than how I felt on the outside. So lost and numb that I couldn't cry or speak anymore.

Sleeping is a break from this nightmare of a world. This world of pain and sadness.

I'm tired of everything and everyone. I'm tired of the 'It gets better' saying that people always say. The 'Oh. Poor, poor Daisy' people who drop off casseroles and dishes and dishes of food. They want to help but that only makes things worse. The constant reminder of what happened.

He's gone. Forever. Gosh, this doesn't feel real.

I had woken up ten hours ago and now was stuck in place. I haven't eaten or drank a thing. I didn't care. I'd rather die of hunger than live this life. He was gone. Gone.

I can't believe it. I never imagined it. Never thought that this could happen, at this moment. One gun plus one mad man plus one innocent man equals the death of the innocent man. It's simple math. One plus one equals two. Two plus two equals for. Gun plus man plus man equals one man and one gun. Where'd that other guy go you ask.

He went somewhere dead people go. He disappeared out of thin air. Poof. Gone. Forever and ever and ever. I was alone yet never alone. There was always someone in my room watching and talking. Hoping I would break this unmemorizable cycle. I never will. I never want to.

~Back To The Present~

"Cole!" I shrieked. He swung the swing so high my feet were touching the leaves of the tree.

He chuckled. "What? Do you want to go higher?"

"No," I laughed. Tears of happiness filled my eyes and slipped down my cheek. "Please no."

He stopped me and pulled the swing all the way back. "Ready?"

"No," I giggled.

"Three...Two...One." He pushed me forward and jumped onto the swing next to me. We swung back and forth over the pond.

"You better hope this rope doesn't break," I told him.

Cole shrugged. "I love swimming anyway." He grabbed my arms, I had nothing to hang onto now. He put his hand under my chin and made me look him in the eye. "Do you trust me?"

"Y-Yes," I whispered.

He held me in his hands and as we hit the highest point above the pond he jumped off and pulled me with him. We screamed and plummeted into the water. We came up laughing.

"Cole Becker. That was very unnecessary," I laughed.

He chuckled. "I think it was necessary."

We swam over to the shore and sat down on the rocky beach. "Now I have to walk back all wet."

Cole climbed up to the swing again and grabbed the sweatshirt he had on earlier. "You can wear my sweatshirt."

I took it from him. "Thanks."

"Of course Love."

I put the sweatshirt over my body and began to slip off my wet clothes underneath leaving me in my shorts and his sweatshirt. Cole opened his bag and I tossed my clothes into it.

"Won't you be cold now?"

"I'll be fine," he answered. "I care about you more than myself."

This boy was going to drive me crazy. Crazy in love.

He helped me climb back up out of the swimming hole and up to where the swing was. We began to walk back down the trail.

"Stop for a second," Cole whispered into my ear.

I stopped and stood still. I felt Cole slowly wrap his arms around me, shivers ran up my spine. "What are you doing?"

"Just living in the moment with my best friend," he murmured.

I leaned into him and looked up at him. "We should really get going though. I promised Mary I'd help her at the flower shop. I heard you were too."

"Yeah, I guess," he mumbled into my hair. He slowly let go of me and put his arm around my shoulder, beginning to walk again. I smiled and shook my head. "What?"

"Nothing." I smiled. "Just thinking."

This boy. This boy. This boy was mine.

We made it back to my house where we changed into dry clothes. I walked out of my room to see Cole making grilled cheese.

"I could've made lunch, it was my turn anyway," I said.

He shrugged. "My cooking is better."

I shoved him as he started laughing. "You're so mean."

"Sure I am."

Cole set the grilled cheese on two plates and added some tomato soup to two bowls. We sat down at the island and began eating. Cole ate all of his tomato soup and began to eat mine.

"Hey, that's mine," I exclaimed.

"I was the one who made it and picked it up from the store while you were busy."

"I was working on the newspaper."

He smiled. "Yeah...the job that I got for you."

I've gotten offers for that job for as long as I can remember. It was just nice to have Cole thinking he did something nice for me though.

We finished eating and walked into town, Mary and Kade stood behind the flower shop. Mary was in Kade's arms crying.

I ran up to them, and Cole followed. "What's wrong?!"

Mary pulled away from Kade with a smile on her face. She looked at Kade who was also smiling and back at me. "I'm pregnant."

I stood there, and my jaw dropped.

Cole patted Kade on the back and hugged Mary. "Congratulations, I call being Uncle Cole."

Kade laughed and looked at me. "You okay Daisy?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and began jumping up and down happily. "OH MY GOSH. OH MY GOSH."

Cole smiled and stared at me while I hugged Kade and Mary happily. I then turned and tackled Cole in a hug, knocking him back a step. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

I wanted to stay right here. Wrapped in his arms forever. I no longer cared if others noticed.

Sorry it's taken me so long to update!
I'll continue to update as often as I can!
Thank you for so many reads, votes, and comments!
I really enjoy them!
Any questions about this chapter?
Also the big thing that's going to happen is going to happen soon.
Have an Amazing day!

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