Chapter Five

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“It’s just a storm,” Cole laughed. “It’ll be over before you know it.”

We sat on the couch, surrounded by candles. “I hate storms,” I whispered.

“It’ll be okay,” he promised. 

“This is so terribly terrifying. I deeply dislike dreadful things like this, I always tend to speak whatever wherever whenever,” I muttered. 

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me. “Is this what the inside of your head is like?”


No one ever really saw inside my mind. I tend to think so much that if I were to write it all down it’d take up pages and pages. No one would ever want to read it. It would be so boringly boring that it would bore people into a deep undelightful dreadful sleep. 

I looked up from the ground to find Cole staring at me. I could barely make out his eyes in this lighting. “What?”

Thunder crashed, and I jumped once again. 

“You’re okay, Love,” he whispered. 

I blinked and flushed. “What is it with you and that British nickname?” 

Cole smiled. “I traveled a lot while being with the Army as well as just liking to travel. I was last in England, taking a break for a little to rethink things.” He stopped talking and looked down, almost shy. “As for the nickname, I feel it fits you.”

I didn’t know what to say, I’ve never really had a deep conversation with anyone other than Lily and well, she was dead. “I-”

Thunder crashed once again, interrupting me. 

I shivered as if a wave of coldness and despair wafted over me. Cole got up and grabbed a blanket, he wrapped it around me. He very slowly sat down next to me, as if not wanting to scare me away.

“Thanks,” I whispered. 

“Of course.”

We just sat there for a while, tree branches scratching the walls and windows. Lightning lit up the room. Thunder shook the whole house. I soon fell asleep once again, my head resting on his shoulder. 

I opened my eyes to find one of my arms draped over Cole's chest and one of his arms wrapped around me. We were lying down on the couch, Cole was still fast asleep. 

That. Did not just happen.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Cole looked so calm and peaceful. I smiled.

Nope. Nuh-uh. We’re not falling for this…kinda cute…no. We’re not falling for this man who will end up leaving us. 

I didn’t feel like listening to my thoughts at this moment. I took a deep breath and snuggled up closer to him, closing my eyes. I felt Cole's arm pull me closer as his other arm pulled the blanket up over us. He slowly began to sweep my hair behind my ear. I don’t think he knew I was awake. 

Soon his arm fell over my shoulder once again and he fell asleep. It was kind of sweet I guess. I lay there in silence for the longest time, just enjoying the moment. 

“We’re home!” Kade called through the house. The door slammed shut. Cole and I shot up, moving away from each other. I began to fix my hair and get up as Kade turned the corner. 

“You okay?” he asked. 

“Yeah,” I replied. My voice wasn’t very convincing for it was raspy and drunken with sleep. “We were just talking.”

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