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This song above is one of my favorite songs ever!!!


I'm sitting across from Jameson in my living room waiting for him to tell me why he is here. He looks extremely nervous, and he should because if he says one wrong thing, he is going to catch an ass whooping. I fight bitches and dudes, in that order!

I'm sitting here across from Jameson in my recliner just watching him look at me. I feel like I'm in one of those western movies, the only difference is we are not standing up ten paces from each other and I don't have a gun on me at this moment. I go to speak, and Jameson clears his throat then replies with "Lass I know I have hurt you and broke your trust. I'm not used to having to be a decent human being when it comes to females, and it was wrong for me to treat you the way I did regardless of what you have been through"

Now this is an apology. I nod my head at him and say "thank you, about got damn time!"

He laughs and then says "I also have a peace offering for you here take a look"

He reaches in his jacket pocket then stands up then hands me two photos with writing on them. It's pictures of the two kids that got the hearts from my sperm donor and his evil ass wife, one is of a teen girl now that just had her 16th birthday and then other is of a young teen boy who just celebrated his first day of day of high school.

My eyes start to overflow with tears, because even though my mother took the lives of two people she gave life to these kids. She gave these kids a chance that they may not have had, I know some people don't agree with what my mom did, but I know even in my mother's pain and grief she thought about others, and she paid the ultimate price for her crimes with her life.

I wipe my eyes and place the photos on my coffee table, then look up at Jameson. What he did means more to me than any amount of money or tangible items could ever mean to me. I have often thought about those kids but was too chicken to find out, because I felt that I would experience all those emotions of losing my mother again. I allowed my fear to rule me for so long for no reason because now I feel a sense of peace and calmness that I haven't had in years.

"Thank you for this Jameson I really appreciate it"

I tell him and he nods then says "it was the least I could do. Also I started college funds for both kids in your name, the teen girl Elizabeth is actually a huge fan of you, she wanted me to tell you that you're a shining example of feminism for all women especially black women"

I don't know how to feel about a sixteen year old being a fan of mine, but hey these kids today do in public what a lot of kids did in private years ago, but I appreciate that complement all the same.

A bright smile graces my face. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding then said "Jameson what is it that you want from me?"

He looks at me with a look of confusion and also nervousness then replies with "I want whatever your comfortable giving to me, but I would like to be something that you haven't had in a very long time which is a safe place"

My heart swells at his honest statement. I haven't had a safe place or felt safe to be my true self in years, I can no longer lie to myself I want this man, but I have to move slowly. These feelings I'm feeling are foreign and uncharted waters for me, I have to think and move smart. I stand up and move to sit next to him and grab his hand sitting down next to him.

"I can try, and I really thank you for what you did. It means more than you will ever know, but we have things to discuss like your bitch ass daughter and backstabbing wife"

Jameson laughs then shakes his head as he brings my hand to his lips, giving my hand a gentle soft kiss. "Lass my soon to be ex-wife has lost all her investors including me, not because of Rachel's murder but because she failed to notify her investors of the carelessness of an actor being allowed to remain under contract while jeopardizing multiple peoples health. Also the optics of the situation being had you been the one who gave Rachel a STI you would have been blackballed and fired"

I'm stunned by his clarification of things, but not so much because it's the truth. If my black ass would have been in Rachel's shoes I would have not been given the same chance she had and that is a straight fact!

I can't lie and say that I don't feel a sense of ha bitch! When I think of Linda losing all her investors and her husband, it actually makes what I'm about to do so much easier and fulfilling. I smile and move over and get on Jameson's lap, I wrap my hands around his neck and he places his hands on my hips. I lean in placing a gentle kiss on his lips and feel sparks shoot all throughout my body like those females be talking about in those werewolf books I read on Wattpad.

Jameson kisses me back and tries to deepen the kiss but I pull back and place my hands on both sides of his place and utter words that I have never ever ever ever said to another person " I want you to make love to me" His eyes widened and I giggle then say "not tonight, though .Tonight I just want you to hold me"

Jameson leans in and kisses my lips then nods. He grabs my legs tight and stands up with me in my arms and I direct him to my room.

Laying down in bed wrapped in Jameson's arms my heart swells with hope and a sense of peace. This is the sorta thing that I used to pick on Callie for being a simp and here I am simped out for a man that is still married to my mentor and father to my former friend.

Ok ...This chapter was a little short but not to worry ya'll will have updates in 3 weeks....

I'mmma miss ya'll like the deserts miss the rain lmao

I'll still be writing just not posting.....

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