Chapter 1

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Saturday 7th June - 23:35

Theodore pulled into his uncle's driveway, steadily bringing his car to a stop. He peered through the inky blackness towards the palatial front porch beyond, carefully scanning the spotless lattice windows for any sign of life, but there was nothing. It was almost midnight, afterall. Surely everyone would be asleep by now?

Thinking the coast clear, the young man shut off the shuddering engine of his ramshackle red 2005 volvo and stepped out carefully onto the patio. He tiptoed cautiously up to the imposing black front door, sneering at the sight of the tacky lion's head door knocker. The eighteen year old would have rather been anywhere else. Hell, he'd have rather spent the night in the town's dingiest dankest motel than have to endure the awkward breakfast scene surely awaiting him in the morning - but as things stood he had no choice. School was out, and he was skint.

The teen lifted up the edge of the flower pot, feeling blindly around for the spare key he knew his uncle always kept there - or at least he used to. Throughout his whole four years at Holyoke Academy, Theodore hadn't so much as dropped in on his Uncle Rob for tea - let alone allow Mom to rope him in to one of his extravagant holiday get-togethers. Why should he? Whatever she said, it was clear he wasn't welcome. If Mom wanted him to be part of some big happy ideal family, she shouldn't have sent him packing to boarding school.

Where the hell was the key?

Frustrated, Thedore shifted down onto his knees and started digging around in his pockets for his phone, only to be met with a loud crack as the flower pot teetered over and smashed against the paving stones.

"SHIT!" He exclaimed at the top of his lungs, trying to prop the flower pot back up again - but only succeeding in covering his white school uniform shirt in dirty black soil stains. Suddenly, the porch light flickered on. A moment later, the door swung open, his mother standing over him in her dressing gown with her arms firmly crossed and a disappointed frown fresh on her lips.

"Teddy..." she sighed, looking down in bewilderment at her son. A slender boy, the teen had always come across as a little younger than his true age, but in that moment Theodore's messily swept back sandy brown curls, guilty big blue eyes, and soiled school shirt made the supposedly mature elite music school graduate look more like any other naughty school boy. "What on earth do you think you are doing?" his mother scolded him.

"Don't call me Teddy..." Theodore growled, still floundering around trying to balance the half-broken flower pot. "I was looking for the damn key."

His mother tutted. "You know how I feel about cursing." she lectured. "Look at you, you're filthy!"

"I told you!" Theodore snapped. "I was looking for the key. Doesn't he keep it in the fucking..." A single glare from his mother made the boy lose his nerve. He started over. "Urgh - I mean, doesn't he keep it in the flower pot anymore?"

"There's a smart lock." Mom explained, indicating a small panel to the side of the door. "It's fingerprint activated. There's a camera too." She allowed herself just the tiniest of smirks as Theodore finally got to his feet, trying to wipe himself down but only spreading the dirt to his gray khakis too. "I'm sure your cousins would be very amused to see the full video of your little flower pot adventure?"

"I'm not in the mood, Mom." Theodore whined.

"Well I certainly am," his mother said. "Just where were you?"

"Where was I when?" Theodore said knowing full well what his mother was asking about. His Mother gave an eye roll before setting a withering stare on Theodore.

"The graduation ceremony," his mother said. "The entire family was there to see you and what? You couldn't be bothered to show up?"

"Please," Theodore said with a derisive click of his tongue. "They were there to see Jessica - not me."

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