15: Rescue By Combat

Start from the beginning

Aiz:"Maybe so, but I have his weakness."

Aizawa grabs Keigo's chin.

Aiz:"When we kill you. It'll send him in a blind rage. That's when we'll end him."

Shinsou runs upstairs and bows at the door.

Shin:"Father, I have news about uncle mic. He has passed from his injuries."

Aiz:"Looks like the plan has changed. Torturing you will be better. He'll pay for killing my brother."

Chisaki:"He's in town. Our spys confirm it."

Kei:"What can I do to change your mind? I'll do anything. Just let master go free. I..... I don't want him to die."

Keigo's voice begins to break. As he knows, there's nothing else he can do but beg.

Aiz:"I know. Let him kill you in combat. Only then will he go free."^Mic told me about the deal with touya. So this is the perfect opportunity for them to kill each other.^

Kei:"If we dull. You promise to let him go free?"

Aiz:"Yes. You have my word."

Later that night. Guards are attacked. Sending word to aizawa. Who frees keigo. Chisaki then gives keigo some tea.

Chisaki:"Drink this and you won't feel the pain."

After keigo drinks it. He heads out. That's when he sees nagant.

Nagant:"looks like you've grown. Care to test your skill before heading out? I'd give you a merciful death."

Kei:"I'll need your help later to cut my head off after his blow. I know master won't."

Nagant:"So that's it. Defeated already? How pathetic."

In a large empty room. Keigo sits alone. Waiting for his master.

Dabi cuts through people with ease and runs up. Leaving everyone else behind. As dabi runs into the room. Chisaki walks passed him.

Chis:"I'll make sure no one stops the battle by getting involved."

Confused, dabi turns to see chisaki shut the doors behind him.

Kei:"Welcome home master."

Dabi:"Thank goodness you're alive. Let's go before they find us."

Keigo stands up and draws his sword.

Kei:"I'm bound by honor to fight you. Kill me and gain your freedom. Let this be not for points, but for our lives."

Dabi:"I was offered the same by mic. They want us to kill each other. Now stop this so we can go home."

Keigo pulls out of his clothes the painting from last year.

Kei:"Let this be our true test of skill then."

Keigo throws it between them. As it falls. Dabi sees the determination on Keigo's face. So he prepares himself.

Dabi:"Looks like you leave me no other choice."

The moment the painting hits the ground. Both charge at one another. As two blades collide. Hands let the handle of one of them. Causing a slash down the torso.

Dabi trembles as keigo is calm.


Kei:"It's it obvious?"

Keigo's mouth  drips blood as he smiles.

Kei:"It's because I love you.... master touya."

As keigo falls to his knees. Touya catches him.

Tou:"They won't let me go. You know this. So why go along with it?!"

Keigo leans on Touya's shoulder and whispers something in his ear before he closes his eyes.

Touya sets keigo down as nagant approaches.

Nagant:"Move aside."

Dabi:"He's already gone."

Nagant glares at touya. Then she backs away.

Nagant:^You can taste the blood lust in the air. He's a demon that must be dealt with quickly.^

As she goes to strike touya. He blocks and strikes back from the floor. Using his strangth from standing, to break her katana and send her backwards. He then lunges at her and cuts her head clean off.

Tou:"I have nothing left. Time to burn the world down."

Chisaki fights mount lady only for everyone to stop when they hear a war cry of a monster.

Chis:"Master aizawa"

As he turns to retreat. Multiple blades impale him at once. T h en jiro's father comes to take his head.

Touya stands before aizawa filled with rage and craving violence.

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