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THE STREETS WERE empty, leaving Coriolanus in a peaceful silence.

Five years since he last saw the love of his life, Charlotte Vanderbilt. He was a fresh graduate of the University, and was now working alongside President Ravinstill. He had his life back on track, and was now even earning enough to be able to pay off his bills. Tigris, The Grandma'am and him were now living comfortably in the Snow penthouse, able to finally afford life's luxuries once again.

Sejanus was still off in the Districts, yearning to be a medic. They wrote to one another often, Coriolanus expressing his feelings of working in the Parliament, Sejanus ranting about the amount of studying he had to do to be a medic. Two birds of a feather, both wanting to make a change to Panem.

This was all Coriolanus ever wanted, but there was one thing missing. 

As he roamed around mindlessly, his hands in the pockets of his jeans, his mind occupied with a myriad of thoughts. He found himself humming the song Charlotte had sang to him all those years ago, not taking his eyes off the ground. He kicked around a pebble, watching it bounce off the floor and roll around. 

To be quite honest, between Sejanus in the Districts and Charlotte far away, he had no particular close friends who were not his family members. He would walk around after his shift, looking at people his age in the pubs, drinking and laughing happily with their friends. It wasn't that he had no friends who invited him for a night out, there were many, but none in particular that he wanted to entertain. 

His eyes moved from the gravel ground up to the starry night sky, the full moon shining brightly upon him. He still remembered the promise he had made to Charlotte, never breaking it for the last five years. A look of remembrance wafted past his face as he hurried his steps up, no longer wondering aimlessly.

He made his way into the apartment building, walking past the familiar lobby. He waited patiently for the arrival of the lift, pressing on the penthouse button once he was inside. Coriolanus tapped his foot rhythmically on the floor while the elevator moved up floor by floor.

Once he finally reached the top floor, he was greeted by the familiar expensively decorated hallway of the Vanderbilt's penthouse. It was a blood red color, with gold detailing on the walls. He passed the grand entrance of the penthouse, making his way up the stairs to the rooftop.

Upon arriving at the rooftop, a gust of cold air hit his face, making his body immediately tense up. He brought his coat closer to him, shaking off the goosebumps on his skin. He walked toward the edge of the building, sitting down, hanging his feet off the side. He allowed his body to relax, taking in the breathtaking view of the city below. 

It had been a hot minute since he saw the city from up there, forgetting about how the feeling made him feel. Like he was on top of the world.

Unbeknownst to him, a familiar blonde had made her way up the very same stairwell, just seconds after him. The figure of a man sitting off the edge startled her, wanting to shout for the person to leave, before she realized there was only one another person who knew their way up.

Quietly, she approached him, careful not to startle him. He didn't seem to notice her, keeping his gaze forward. Once she was about five feet away from him, she decided to speak up.

"It's beautiful up here, isn't it?" she breathed out. 

He felt his body tense up again at the voice. So recognizable, yet so distant. He didn't want to turn, he didn't want to believe. But this was his fate, so with a deep breath, he stood back up, turning around slowly. It was true, his suspicions. Right before him was the love of his life, even after all those years.

"Char?" his voice came out small, breathless, in shock. She walked a few more steps toward him, her face finally coming into the moonlight. She looked exactly the same, still the radiant and glowing girl he fell in love with half a decade ago.

"Hi, Coryo." she smiled sheepishly, unsure of what to do.

Coriolanus was stunned, unable to move. He must've had his mouth agape and his eyes wide opened. He shook his head, fixing the expression on his face to a more presentable one.

"Char. . . what are you doing here?" he couldn't help but wonder. 

"I'm back. For good, this time. I'm sorry for leaving you the first time, Coryo." she apologized. She half expected him to hate her for it, which she wouldn't blame him. She would be too. But instead, he ran up to her, engulfing her in his arms. The familiar scent of his cologne wafting up her nose and the touch of him sending sparks through her body.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Char." he reassured, kissing the top of her head. 

"You mean that?" she muffled against his shoulder, tears threatening to escape out her eyes.

"I mean it." she removed her face from his shoulder, looking to see his face, something she longed for for the longest time. He cupped her face in his hands, looking into her eyes. "I love you, Charlotte Vanderbilt. Nothing or no one could ever change that." 

"I love you too, Coriolanus." she smiled happily. He brought her face closer to his, his breath trembling by the slightest. Alas, he finally got the kiss he'd been longing for for years. It was just as magical as the first time, the same fireworks, butterflies and nerves. In that moment, both Charlotte and Coriolanus knew that they were each others soulmates, forever and ever.

- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ author's notes ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌


i have actually been procrastinating this for the looooongest time, but as we reached the 1k votes mark i think this was an appropriate time to start this.

thank u guys for everything!!!!! happy 1k on my birthday <33 


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