04, all i ask.

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❝ all i ask is if this is my last night with you. ❞

STARS DUSTED THE night sky beautifully, and Charlotte found her self in Coriolanus's arms. 

They laid in the midst of the meadow on a picnic blanket, her head rested on his arm. The breeze blew and she snuggled in closer to his embrace. She loved everything about him, his charming personality, his captivating blue eyes and most especially his presence that could calm her down and make her forget everything in the world. 

The two enjoyed each others company in a comfortable silence, every once in a while she would point up at the night sky, telling him the names of stars and constellations she had learned back when she was younger by her grandmother. 

He would nod his head understandingly in response, letting out little 'ooh' and 'ahh' sounds every once in a while. Truth be told, Coriolanus did not give two shits about them whatsoever but whatever made her happy made him happy.

Charlotte wished she could live in this moment forever. Only them alone under the bright stars and the moon who graced them with it's beautiful light. Her heart so content, her mind so at peace. 

But there was something missing.

She could feel it, and she knew he knew it too.

She didn't know what it was. Maybe she needed to be trapped in the city with all that glamour and fame. Or maybe she needed that adventure out of Panem, to a new city, that thrill and adrenaline. 

Whatever it was, she needed to take her chance and grab onto it tightly. 

Coriolanus knew Charlotte from the inside out.

He could read her emotion just by a simple glance at her face. She would never know, but Coriolanus actually had the tiniest crush on her ever since they were kids. He always had a growing suspicion that she hated him, and that was proven one day all the way back in the fifth grade when she slapped him right smack in the face. But that didn't seem to mind him.

And all he did was play along with her game. Every interaction gave him butterflies, even if she was yelling that she hated him. Because all along, he knew that in the end she'd be his. 

Coriolanus knew her coming to District 12 was a confirmation to his hypothesis. But he was daft enough to think that this would really be the end. He'd be a Peacekeeper for the next 20 years and she'd live in her cottage house and see him every weekend. Seemed pathetic but that was how he really thought the next two decades of his life would go.

Yet he knew by the expression on her face that something wasn't right, and she was hiding something from him. It may not be a big thing, but it was definitely something.

Though, Coriolanus wasn't entirely innocent either. Just a day before, his commander had called him to his office. Nerves shook terribly through him at the thought of his commander finding out he had been involved with the death of the Mayor's daughter.  But his visit proved to be otherwise.

Turns out, Coriolanus had passed the test and would be moved to District 1 in the next week or so for officer training.

His hand found hers and intertwined them together, turning his head to look at her. She still had her gaze up upon the stars, the stars reflecting in her eyes.

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