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( everyone thinks that they know us. )

THE MORNING RAYS of sunlight flowed through her windows as she stared off into the distance.

The light reflected off everything. The busy streets down below, the magnificent statue that stood in the middle of the city, the once run down buildings that have started to return to their once glamorous state. Yet if you looked closely, you could still see the scars it bared from the dark days. It was impossible not to think of it. Everywhere you turned, there would've been dead bodies scattered on the floors, dried blood on the streets and broken down architecture of the most beautiful buildings laid depressingly. 

And it was the same with humans, as well. Everyone did things they weren't proud of during the war, and it seems it will haunt the citizens till their dying days. Children who were above three when the war started would forever have those memories engraved in their heads. The sounds of bombs and gun shots in the streets, cries for help that seemed to echo through the city, the desperate attempts for food and water to survive would forever replay back in their heads. Though most families have built themselves up after the war, the look of pure ignorance and pride fooled nobody. For even the most innocent had done the unimaginable, the strongest had lost and the most powerful, dead. 

The Vanderbilts, more than anything, were lucky. Sebastian was skilled with weapons ranging from blades to guns. They hadn't lost their lives or their fortunes in the war, but they had lost themselves. The war changed the family. The once loving, and caring family she had had fallen apart and there was nothing she could do. Her father was constantly off at work or locked himself in his home office. He had changed, the man she was once fond of wouldn't even bat an eyelash her way. It was as if his soul was dead, yet the physical him lived on. Yet she never blamed him. She knew how scared he was when his investments were almost completely blown off in the bombing, the fear he had when he thought he would've disgraced the Vanderbilt name. He just wanted to make sure his wife and daughter could live their best life after the war. 

But it was alright, at least she had her mother. The woman she loved and cherished the most in the whole world. The woman who sang her lullabies as she slept, the woman who hugged her tight whenever there was a bomb attack, the woman who barely ate just so her husband and daughter had enough. Her mother was her biggest role model, the perfect example of a classy, kind-hearted lady. Charlotte Brielle Vanderbilt vowed to be just like her mother, and she would do anything to live up to her.

The tenth annual Hunger Games would come soon. A way to remind the districts of their faults and to show who was really in control in Panem. But Charlotte had no idea what would be waiting for her as reaping day arrived. A new year brings a new mystery, a new surprise. Because that's what life is, unpredictable and messy. 

- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ author's notes ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

im very proud of this prologue guys 


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