Chapter 6: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic

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Though I've tried before to tell her
Of the feelings I have for her in my heart
Every time that I come near her
I just lose my nerve
As I've done from the start

- "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic," by The Police


"I'm sorry about tonight. I hope to see you later." That was the message I woke up to from Lettie. I felt relief that she had texted and still wanted to see me, but she had sent it at 3:12 in the morning, which made me start thinking about why she was awake then. Had her date gone really well with Tom, and was she just getting home? Was she not sleeping after everything happened? She didn't seem to want to be alone; was she hoping I'd keep her company? Was it wrong that while the latter two reasons were sad, I would prefer them over her having a nice time with Tom?

I wanted to see her, but I was also feeling awkward. I had to get it together so I wouldn't act weird. I need to be confident.

"Of course, I'll see you later. Tell me when you need me and where," I sent the text and then realized it could come across as flirting, and I was okay with that.

"Would you be up for a role reversal?" She messaged me back instantly.

"Do you sing? Because I don't sew," I teased as I got up and went to the bathroom. I was intrigued by what she was proposing.

"Would you stay with me while I sleep?" I felt it before when thinking about why she was awake after three in the morning, but now, seeing this, I wish she had had a fantastic time with Tom. This hurt more, knowing she couldn't sleep.

"Of course. I'll be over soon. What's your address?" I wanted to tease her to lighten the mood, but I didn't know her state. She sent me her address. I started to get ready quickly. I wanted to get to her so she could sleep and obviously spend time with her. I also, selfishly, wanted to find out what happened with Tom.

I threw on my shoes and then grabbed my phone from the bathroom. Lettie had texted me after sending her address. "But I'm still gunning to take your job now that you put it out there as an option."

"I guess it's my turn to ruin your 15 minutes," I smiled to myself as I sent that.

I glanced at myself in the mirror before leaving the hotel room; I looked presentable. I didn't look like the walking dead like I had yesterday. I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door. The streets were still relatively quiet at just after seven. I made my way to Lettie's apartment, grabbing myself a coffee on the way. My mind was swirling with anticipation and nervousness. I really bungled yesterday.

When I arrived, I hesitated for a moment before softly knocking on her door. I felt impatient. Then, it swung open, revealing Lettie standing there in her pajamas, looking tired but beautiful and, I think, relieved to see me. Lettie had her hair pushed to one side, and it cascaded over her shoulder as she greeted me with a smile. She looked beautiful and was wearing a cute yet sexy pajama set; they were red with pink piping. Her pajamas were loose-fitting on her body. Her pants grazed her ankles, and her top was loosely buttoned, revealing a bra. I diverted my eyes from staring at her exposed skin.

"Hey," she said softly, stepping aside to let me in. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course," I replied, stepping into her flat. It was nice and warm and colorful, which wasn't surprising.

"Who knew this would be an evolution of our friendship," Lettie laughed as she shut the door behind me. "Us forcing each other to sleep..."

"And you trying to take my spot in the band. I never would have seen this for us," I smirked at her.

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