Fall of Ba Sing Se

Start from the beginning

Cogliostro: Yes. They are that way. And you might want to hurry up, they are under attack by Fire Nation princess

You: Shit! I need to hurry up!

Cogliostro: There is something you try. It's called Agony Axe

Spawn tried it and Agony Axe appeared in his hand

You: Hmmm. Looks good

Spawn then quickly went to find Aang and Katara

He found them fighting with Zuko, Dai Le and some woman who turned out to be Princess Azula

He decided he needed to enter battle

He went inside the shadow where no one could see him

As everyone was fighting a set of chains grabbed 7 Dai Le agents and pulled in them in the darkness

After that only that could be heard was screaming and ripping of flesh





After screaming stoped everyone was silent

Suddenly bunch of bodies came flying from the shadow

All of them were ripped apart, burned, missing limbs and missing organs

The sight was so horrible even Azula felt disgusted

Suddenly one the Dai Le agents that survived looked up and yelled


Everyone looked up to see Spawn

Everyone looked up to see Spawn

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Zuko: Y-you!

Spawn jumped down

Spawn jumped down

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And he stood up


Azula: And who the hell are you?

You: Call me Spawn

Azula: Well Spawn... I would suggest you give up before i make you feel the wrath of Fire Nation

 I would suggest you give up before i make you feel the wrath of Fire Nation

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You: Bring it bitch.

Azula shot blue fire at Spawn and it did nothing to him

She then jumped at him but he grabbed her leg and threw her at Zuko knocking them both to the ground

You: I told old man to keep you on the leash  or he will get pieces

One foolish Dai Le agent attacked but Spawn grabbed him by the neck and hitted his head with sharp part

Spawn then turned towards Zuko and Azula

He shot chains and pulled Azula towards him

They came face to face

You: Tell me... Princess Azula... What are your sins?

Azula: ARGH!

Spawn threw her on her stomach and then scratched her back with his claws

Azula: AAAAHHHH!!!!

Spawn turned towards Zuko who was looking at him horrified

Zuko: What the hell are you!?


You:Your worst fucking nightmare!

He shot his chains and started choking Zuko

Katara: Aang. You should start The Avatar State. Before he kills everyone

Aang thought about it but he wasn't sure if he could let Katara go

He looked towards Spawn and he decided he needed to do this

So he mediated and ....

So he mediated and

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Everyone....even Spawn looked towards him seeing Avatar State for the first time


Azula hit Aang with a lighting

Spawn shot a green fireball at her hitting her

Azula: ARGH!

Katara caught Aang

She was surrounded but Spawn teleported in front of her

Everyone backed away scared of Spawn

Iroh suddenly jumped in front of everyone shot fire from his hands

Iroh:You've got to get out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!

Katara water bended out of there

Spawn looked towards Iroh

You: Good luck old man

Spawn teleported

*Short Time Skip*

Everyone was on Appa

Spawn, Team Avatar,Earth King and his Bear

Katara used water to heal Aang

Luckily she was able to bring him back

Earth King:The Earth Kingdom...has fallen

Hell upon the Avatar (Male Spawn Reader x Avatar The Last Airbender)Where stories live. Discover now