The night of reckoning

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Are you sure you know the difference between good and evil?

As you race around trying to put food on the table,or pass your exams, or make love.

Are you confident that you can distinguish the forces of light from the forces of evil?

There is probably nothing on Earth that is all black or all white.

Human good always has a germ of evil inside it, and evil just a touch of good.

Take Spawn, village's soldier in life, hell's soldier in death.

Not exactly boy scout material.

But if you consider he made his choices for Love.

The love of if his village and the love of his girlfriend

Well, you begin to see he's a little like you and me.

Just another poor schmoe walking on the razor's edge.

All hell pushing one way, and Heaven pushing the other way, and him stuck in the middle, trying not to get cut.

And now turn of your lights

Sokka:Sometimes I just can't believe them,I mean, I put a lot of time and effort in my posters, too much for them to just dismiss it. Aang and Katara don't realize we should not draw attention, they never stop to think about those things, I do!

Toph: Ugh, yes, You're totally the victim here, snoozles. Now, if you're done complaining, we still have a lot of posters to hand out before sundown. Appa is missing somewhere and the best you can think of is-... Wait...

Sokka stopped his advance, spinning on his heel, finding Toph kneeling on the ground with her palm pressed against the land.

Sokka:What is it?

Toph:There's a lot of people gathered nearby, Like a crowd or something.

Sokka:Great! We can ask for Appa there! Where?

Toph:Close, just around the corner.

Sokka spun again while Toph rose from the soil, then both started sprinting forward, turning right in the next street.

However, as soon as they entered the alley, a plethora of men, women and children obstructed the path ahead. A thousand voices, demands and profanities echoing at unison.

Beyond the seemingly-displeased mob, Sokka spotted a group of Dai Li blocking the road leading to the public square.

Sokka:Huh, that's weird.

He mumbled, raising an eyebrow.

Toph:Well, the townsfolk sound angry.

Sokka:The Dai Li are blocking the street. Not sure why, though... Hmm... Let's ask that merchant.

After that, Sokka and Toph approached to an old man with a grey beard wearing yellow, loose garments, standing beside a vending cart filled by several cabbages.

Sokka:Excuse me, mister, Do you know why the street is closed?

Man:Oh, hello there! Don't you know what happened in the square last night?

Sokka and Toph shook their heads, not saying a word.

Man:Well, it was something... terrible, to be honest... I arrived to the fountain first hour in the morning. By the time I got here, the Dai Li were already patrolling the place. They kicked me out, but I was able to get a small glimpse. Not too much, just enough.

Hell upon the Avatar (Male Spawn Reader x Avatar The Last Airbender)Where stories live. Discover now