Who is the spirit

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If you had to choose a slow searing ride on satan's carousel or watching helplessly by as your best friend got it on with your lover

What choice would you make

A crude scenario i've just painted?


But hell isn't subtle, folks.

And it's a situation like this?

That's hell's little way of showing Spawn that hell isn't just a place, but a state of mind.

And fire, while painful, isn't the only way Malebolgia can burn him.

Yes, Spawn is learning, but all the while the black tentacles of evil are starting to spread

And you'll see even without demons, hell is on Earth.

And now Spawn
So turn off your lights.

Hours had passed since Aang and his friends went separate ways.

Regardless, the gleaming side of a marble moon lingered above him as the summit in the dark heaven, keeping Ba Sing Se submerged under a gloomy atmosphere.

Sunrise remained distant, but the young Avatar continued navigating the wind gracefully, resembling an autumn leaf.

Piercing through the scarce clouds populating the starry nightsky, he looked down at the dormant city beneath.

From the broad walls encompassing the horizon, to the convoluted, lifeless streets flowing across them, Aang scanned every cranny repeatedly, searching for a needle in a haystack.

The spirit of the crimson shroud.

Aang (In head): Even in a place as big as the capital of the Earth Kingdom, a havoc-wreaking spirit shouldn't be hard to find, right?

His thoughts began wandering farther than his staff during the aimless flight, especially when all roofs seemed identical.

Blind alleys stretched as far as his sight could reach, while the alternative routes were obscured by pitch-black shadows.

After overflying the same empty square for the twenty-seventh time, Aang's motivation slowly succumbed to disappointment and boredom.

Aang(In head): Of course he's gone! I should've been quicker...

At the moment, more pressing matters required attention, and this fruitless, potentially-deadly quest has lasted long enough.

Crestfallen, he let out a heavy sigh, then glided in the opposite direction with another air current.

Until something wicked, yet familiar, in his peripheral vision captured his focus...

Aang's gaze steadied upon a particularly tall building below him.

And there he was...

Before a soaring pole crowning that construction, a voluminous cloak waved like a floating river of velvety blood, projecting a monstrous shade over the nearby houses.

Aang(In head):It must be him! It has to be him!

Smiling widely, Aang made a minor course-correction, decreased his speed, and plunged towards the building.

In the back of his mind, being happy to meet again with the ruthless killer worried him deeply.

Whether that was normal or not, is a question that could wait for later.

Hell upon the Avatar (Male Spawn Reader x Avatar The Last Airbender)Where stories live. Discover now