Chapter 6: Puzzles to Piece

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"Where are you going, Hestia?" Argon asked when I started walking the opposite way to the palace.

"I like my usual path more." I answered.

"But the hallway is not big enough for this wagon."

"I'm not asking you to take the path too, Argon. Go through the front gates. I'll be in the room if I'm needed and if I'm not, I'm sure you'll know where I'll be."

No one can ever convince me to go inside the palace through the front gates. I do not fear the numerous soldiers stationed in every corner nor the scrutinizing eyes of the royal council, in fact, I like seeing the look of discomfort and disapproval in their faces whenever they see me, I just do not like a crowd in general.


I am now in front of the room. I knocked once but there was no answer so I just let myself in and upon entering, I noticed a few things which were not there when I left this morning.

Food and water on the table. It was a whole roasted chicken, 2 loaves of bread and a platter of fruits. A new dress hanging by the wall beside the bed. Its color is a very dark red, and just as long as the one I am wearing right now. The hem is ruffled with laces of a lighter color of red and the crystals that adorned it twinkled with the candles' lights.

Realizing who it is for, I dreaded the day when it had to be worn.

I was about to hang my canvas bag when I heard fast-paced footsteps. I do not seem to sense any danger so I just waited until the door burst open, revealing a panting prince.

He looked surprised upon seeing me and for a few seconds, it seemed like he didn't know what to do. He walked a few steps forward then turned around to go out and then turned back around inside and finally closed the door. He finally faced me. And just as he was staring at me, I was also observing him. 

He really does look handsome, and while he looked a little less built like Argon, he is taller and his posture is perfect. Just as a royal blood should be. His resemblance to his father is much more obvious now. He is wearing less clothing than when I first saw him. Just a black trouser and a white long- sleeved top.

I also didn't fail to notice that he is alone which is taboo for a royal heir. He must've escaped his royal guards, again. I can only imagine the anger of the queen if she finds out about him being alone, especially being alone with me.

I turned around to hang my bag when I heard him finally speak.

"I apologize for intruding. No one was here when the food and dress were brought in." I just nodded.

"M-mother ordered the dress. Dresses. The new one by the wall and the one you're wearing now." He added. His eyes gazed on my body.

"I see."

"Father insisted on the food."

"Thank you but I have my own food."

"For camping. You have food for camping." Realizing his own words, he quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Considering the nature of your work, I assumed - " He didn't finish his words. He fell silent for a while. Probably contemplating how to word his next sentence or waiting for some kind of reaction from me. But I stayed silent so he spoke again.

"I had my mother explain the kind of work you do for her." He said and I remained silent, staring at him. His brows furrowed, questioning.

"Are you not going to ask me why?"

"No. It really doesn't matter to me." I dryly replied and I saw how his expression changed. He's now annoyed. As to why, I have no idea. I just wish for him to leave me alone but I can't tell him that.

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