Chapter- 24

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Dr. Delain escaped. He went missing. Union is trying to find hid traces everywhere. They were suspicious at Wooin but Park Seongha gave his words that Wooin is innocent in this matter. Union left some people to tail Wooin and keep him safe. 

Cale was also aware that something is going on in the area since Choi han found traces of unfamiliar awakened near. Choi han is much more powerful and skilled than other people. Which is why he was able to find the traces which would have been impossible to find for other awakeners. 

And after some time, the Klien brothers were also missing. It looks like trouble is brewing.

Which lead to Sinhwa highten their protection and send some people to protect Jiwoo. Choi han has also started being more alert and scouting the area near their house more frequently. 

Cale told the kids to be extra careful and not hop on dangers without telling anyone. 

But do kids listen?



Since all the kids were missing. They had somehow managed to get rid of their tails and vanished somewhere. Sinhwa even called him to ask if the kids were with him.

"Should we also find them Cale-nim?"


'It's fine, they'll find the kids themselves, no need for him to work'

Cale then closed his eyes and tried to sleep.


He ignored the kittens meows and tried focusing on his sleep. 

After 15 minutes~

"Ugh, get up Choi han, we're going to find them"

'He is going to find them before they create even bigger mess. And the children must be worried about them. That's why he has to find them faster.'

Cale took out his top whip and sent the wind elementals to find the kids. 

After getting a some new he and Choi han decided to go there. Raon was already in his dragon form and was ready to follow them being invisible. Ohn and Hong wanted to follow them too but Cale asked them to look after the house incase the kids come here. He left Hans with them too.

Before Cale and Choi han could take off Cassien Nitrate, Kayden in his fat cat form, jumped before them.

"Jiwoo is not answering his phone, do you know where he is?"

He asked, slight panic in his voice.

"All the kids are missing, we are going to find them"

"Then take me with you"

Cale nodded and motioned towards Choi han. Choi han picked up Kayden and held him as Raon used his levitating magic to lift all them up. They went to the places where the wind elements found any traces of the kids. 

On the way they saw Inhyuk fighting the younger Klein brother. The Klien brother didn't looked in a proper mental state. Inhyuk took care of him and knocked him out.

They went around some more and found the kids fighting at last. They all were fighting against the elder Klien brother. Choi han wanted to go help them but Cale stopped him.

"Let them, they can do it"

As much as Cale doesn't like to see the kids fighting, it could be a good lesson for them. The awakened world is not for weak people. They always can't be coddled, they have to face the real world one day, which is real cruel place for them. Times like this can help them grow. Force them to think practically and learn how to turn the situation. It will also help them trust each other and teach them hot to work as a team. 

Times like this will give them real experience which will help them in future. 

Besides, he's here too. If they kids couldn't do it or get in grave danger, he'll step up and stop this fight.

Cale was right. The kids really did it. 

"They are growing up huh?"

Kayden said as he looked at them with a smirk. One could see how smug he looked while looking at Jiwoo. 

The kids didn't take a rest after the fight. Instead they all ran to find Wooin who was nowhere to be seen. Cale and the other three followed them. 

Seongha was fighting with some unknown man while Delain was fighting against Wooin who was being manipulated. 

"Choi han , Kayden, knock that man and Wooin out."

"Yes Cale-nim"

Choi han said as he jumped towards the man who was giving hard time to Seongha and knocked him up. Whereas Kayden just nodded quietly and knocked Wooin unconscious. He also made sure to give Delian a piece of his mind before coming back.

Kayden watched Delain as Seongha came to ask if he had knocked Wooin up. Delain just sighed and asked him to take him back to union. 

Seonha thanked Choi han as he took back Delain and the unknown man back with him to union. Choi han also helped him. Cale just took Kayden back to the kids who now were hospitalized thanks to their fight with the older Klein brother. 

When they came in the ward where Subin, Jusik and Jiwoo were admitted, they heard Jusik and Subin fighting as to who was more injured. Then doctor came with a stretcher on which Wooin was lying. The doctor explained how seriously injured Wooin was. There were a lot of broken bones and a cracked skull caused due a really hard collision. 

Hearing this Cale and Raon looked at Kayden who was looking at his paw in disbelief. 

Raon praised Kayden for having a strong paw while Cale shivered at the thought of having that paw colliding with his head. He then thought of the neck chop Choi han gave to that man. 

Cale shivered in fright and made sure to not anger any of them. 

The kids finally noticed Cale and greeted him enthusiastically. They told Cale about their fight and Wooin apologized for dragging them in this mess. But they dismissed his apology. Cale gave them a short lecture and asked them no to jump into such dangerous situations alone. 

If any of his family members had seen Cale giving these kids such a lecture they would have rolled their eyes and yelled at him 'You are in no place to say that'.

Cale was asking Hans to send some goodies to the kids. But what did he hear?

Jiwoo, who has been injured for less than 24 hrs, had a fight with another awakened again. He won of course, but Cale's head started pounding. 

"Why is that cute Jiwoo turning into a fighting maniac?"

Choi han and Kayden were proud to hear this.

'Of course, the reason is before him'

Cale wanted to yell at them but remembering how strong both of them are, he opted to stay silent. 

He gave Kayden a healing potion for his chaotic power and left the ward, not wanting to stay with them anymore. 

He came back home only to find Inhyuk and Hans sitting together and laughing weirdly. Ohn, Hong and Raon were weird out by their behavior. He took the kids back to his room for a much needed nap. 

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