Where do we go from here?

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•chapter nine•


"....Because I fucking like you okay! Are you happy now?"

Silence, complete and utter silence was all I received. This is torturous, my mind began to panic; did I make him uncomfortable?

"Yes." He contently whispered answering my previous vocalized questioned causing my neck to immediately snap upward till my gaze met with his as he shifted his figure forward till it was directly alined with mine.

"I'm fucking ecstatic!" He grinned; making immediate eye contact. Shifting his gaze back and fourth between my mouth and my pupils he shifted his figure till his lips were mere millimeters from mine. Gently Slipping a massive Palm against the nap of my neck, he timidity leaned inward his intoxicating heated breath attacking my lips. Hesitantly he sealed the gap placing his lips against mine causing a intoxicating shock to jolt up my spine. Leaning into the kiss; I slightly widened my mouth, allowing entrance. Battling for dominance; our mouths moved in sync. lightly sinking my teeth into his beautiful swollen bottom lip, gently tugging it between my teeth. Resulting in a low moan to escape his lips. Smirking in response I pulled backward causing our figures to separate immediately craving contact.

I shifted my frame till My head was rested against his firm chest, laying contently against his mattress. I adored this more then I could comprehend.
He suddenly grasped my palm, Intertwining my slim fingers with his. lifting our connected hands toward his lips where He placed soft delicate kisses against each individual finger. Causing a massive smile to engulf my features.

"You're so in love with me Hoying it's disgusting."

"You wish Grassi." He chuckled, tilting his chin downward to gaze into my eyes.

"And what if I do..." I trailed off, tilting my chin upward, resulting in a soft smile to flash against his flawless skin. Leaning downward he placed his lips delicately against my forehead lingering for what felt like an eternity.

Hiding my face in the crook of his neck, as a wide smile transformed my features.

I felt...complete.

•Scott's POV•

The instant our lips collided everything seemed to slip into pure utter bliss. Everything felt intriguing, everything felt complete. in this exact moment I felt utterly infinite. His figure rested against mine as I tangled my slim fingers through his thin dark hair, his head pressed against my chest.

"You're so in love with me Hoying, it's disgusting."

"You wish Grassi." I chuckled, tilting my chin downward to gaze into those stunning shimmering brown eyes.

He took his sweet time replying; enjoying the content, peaceful silence that invaded the space.

"And what if I do..." He calmly whispered, tilting his chin upward to meet my gaze causing a massive giddy smiles to shift onto my skin.

God, he's so beautiful.

Leaning downward I steadily placed my lips against his forehead, kissing him delicately causing him to shift his head placing it directly into the crook of my neck as a smile tugged at the edges of his perfect lips. We sat in content peaceful silence for a what seemed like an eternity, enjoying the company and the mutual understanding of how content this situation made us.

I slightly considered questioning him on what this all meant, where we stood? Deciding not to, I avoided mentioning labels for the time being. I just wanted to enjoy this utterly perfect moment. Where everything seemed to just slip flawlessly into place. No effort or attempt to force this situation to feel complete; it automatically did.

Eventually, silence evolved into loud frustrated groans as he laid against his stomach frantically tapping against his glass phone screen attempting to concur the next level. Chucking in response I blindly felt for my phone, struggling to capture the moment. The instant my fingers felt the solid device, placing my fingerprint against the home button it unlocked immediately flashing to snapchats home screen. As I lifted the phone, recording his frantic and frustrated yet adorable demeanor. Glancing upward he immediately noticed the angle of the camera trying to hide he suddenly began screeching as he threw is head into his palms.

"Fuck you! I literally hate you so much...nooooo stop!" He begged, attempting to remain secluded from the camera.

"You're adorable." I stated, glancing at the beautiful boy that laid bluntly against my mattress who attempted to stay secluded.

Immediately he peaked through his slim fingers passionately glaring in my direction As He swiftly lifted an individual finger flipping me off. Chuckling in response, I continued to film Causing him to huff in annoyance as suddenly leaped toward my figure landing directly against my frame. Straddling my waist, he shoved both palms into the camera screen completely shielding from view. Clicking the off button, he glanced downward with a stunning victorious smirk plastered against his skin. Slipping an individual finger beneath his defined chin tilting it downward; I tilted my neck timidly connecting our lips. His once sly grin evolved into a massive smile as he roughy deepened the kiss, tangling his fingers between strands of my hair as he gently tugged. shifting toward his jaw line, I placed feather light kisses against his defined line resulting in him shuttering when suddenly the obnoxious interruption of knuckles hitting against my oak bedroom door resulted in a standstill.

"I swear to God if I see a dick I'm cutting it off." Kirstie screamed on the other side of the corridor. Hesitantly Twisting the knob she entered the room with her palm blocking her view. Chuckling in response, Mitch swiftly grasped a pillow chucking in the timid blonde's direction causing a squeal to escape her lips as she dodged the flying object.

"We're not naked you dumbass!" He scoffed.

"Wasn't taking my chances, not when you're involved Grassi."

"Who me? I wouldn't dare!" He shifted his palm towards his heart, Over dramatically gasping as he innocently batted his voluminous eyelashes.

"Don't pull that shit, You're as innocent as you are straight."

As he Arched an eyebrow; I chuckled nodding my head in agreement.

Everything felt absolutely perfect; I wanted nothing more than it to remain precisely like this, though that wasn't specifically the case.

Time's a greedy bitch.

A/N: I'm back bitches and I know everything *cue the 4 liars over dramatic gasps* so I'm sorry this is so short, but scömìche is finally somewhat together? Yay? Okay I'll be back and hopefully w longer chapters!1!1!1!1 bye babez sincerely your main hoe, Laura :)

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