Was it all a game?

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•chapter six•

It's been approximately three weeks since I met the beautiful brunette boy my mind is so undeniable infatuated with. As time continue to venture on him and I became literally inseparable, spending nearly every possible moment together. I adored him, and I utterly adored being in his company. My life finally felt complete, I was content, dare I say happy? Though That was on adjective I haven't cared to refer to in such a long period of time. I can't even recall the last moments I actually felt like this, It was refreshing. I felt joy an emotion I couldn't quite believe I felt. We were sitting on his mattress on a gloomy Sunday when He eventually decided to confess to me what had caused him to feel such negative connotations toward his father.

"Do you want children?" I questioned, as I patiently waited for a verbalized reply but only got a quick shake of a head.

"Why not?"

All I received was Nothing but complete and utter silence.

He didn't respond for a mere 5 minutes, I could notice he was in intense thought, carefully considering how he should properly respond.

"He left when I was eleven." He Timidly spoke.

"What?" I questioned, slightly confused about the out of context statement he currently just made.

"My father..." He shuttered, taking massive inhales attempting to settle his over whelming emotions "...he left, when I was eleven." He chocked, tears cascading down his flawless olive skin.

"Mitch I-I'm so sorry."

I shifted my frame against the mattress, wrapping my large forearms around his waist, tugging his figure toward mine. We sat in utter silence, expect for his quiet subtle sobs. I held his frame securely against mine for what seemed like a mere century, tracing invisible shapes with my index finger Against his lower back. He lifted his head, shifting it upward to gaze at my pupils causing us to make immediate eye contact.

"I don't want children because I'm terrified...terrified I'll become the exact replica of the man my father was." He muttered sobbing, throwing his head into his palms. I slipped an individual finger underneath his defined chin, Titling it upward to focus on his features. My pupils searched his pained shadowed ones. Slowly leaning inward I placed delicate kisses against the cascading tears preventing them from descending any further down his cheeks. One by one they disappeared transferring to my lips.

"He wasn't a man, a man doesn't abandon his family...he was anything but a man, that's an insult to all men. he was a monster." I was furious, absolutely appalled. He certainly didn't deserve this amount of pain. It broke my heart to see him so distressed and discouraged. We sat there wrapped in each other's embrace, attempting to comfort him to my best ability as he sobbed into my chest.

Since the moment I met him I've felt a Intense connection, one that I've never experienced before. I gave him my complete and utter trust and he timidly reciprocated. Then since that nights occurrence, Everything completely shifted. As I entered school the following morning, he deliberately ignored my entire presence. He acted as if we were nothing more then mare strangers. I was utterly baffled, confused, and torn apart, how could he possibly flip a switch so suddenly? Avoid me like what we had, whatever that may be meant nothing? This doesn't compose a single ounce of sense or logic, did I do something to make him reject and avoid me completely? My conscience was overwhelmed, I needed advice, guidance so I confided in the only person I possibly could.

"Kirst, I don't understand...what did I do?" I sobbed, I didn't want to appear weak or unstable but my emotions erupted leaving me in a blubbering mess. I undoubtedly knew that this display translated that I was extremely attached to this brunette boy and that it was the worst possible outcome. This was everything I attempted to avoid, the heartbreak, the undeniable pain.

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