Greedy grassi hesitant hoying.

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•chapter two•

I continued to Glance at clock overhead, awaiting the moment when the heavy silence would erupt into blaring chaos. The faint ticking began to irritate my mind, the longer this maintained the more impatient and irritated I became. Finally after what seemed like a millennium the obnoxious noise I was well aquatinted with suddenly erupted through the Vacant hallow hallways. I huffed out a short sigh of relief as I began to collect my belonging, and lead into the crowed corridors. My pulse began to rapidly quicken at the thought of catching a glimpse of the beautiful brunette I only just met this morning. I shuffled downward against the concrete tiled floor toward the auditorium where I would occupy the last period of day. I lightly tugged on the handles forcing the massive oak doors to separate leaving a large gap for my figure to enter.

My line of sight drifted immediately being brought to a standstill. There he was. My breath suddenly caught in the throat.

why am I so baffled? Deep breaths, breathe dammit. I timidly strolled down the isle in the direction of the boy Mind was so infatuated with. As He immediately noticed my presence a glowing dimpled smile creeped against his skin causing my heart to come to a slight halt.
My nerves went completely haywire. There is something particularly unique about him, but I couldn't quite bring the black hole Most individuals would commonly refer to as my mind to pinpoint what exactly that uniqueness was.

As i finally Mustered up the nerve to approach his beautifully created figure he spoke.

"Aw did you Miss me already? I knew you couldn't resist." He teased cocking an eyebrow with a suggestive smirk plastered against his skin.
God, why am I so Nervous? Alright hoying, this is your chance don't fuck it up. I attempted to keep my nerves decent, but overall utterly failing miserably.

"In your dreams lover boy."

"dreams can come true." He Inched his frame forward till our bodies were perfectly alined practically colliding. The lack of distance made my heart shutter. I attempted resisting by shuffling backward avoiding the tense collision causing him to grasp onto my wrists.

"Tsk tsk Scottie." He frowned stiffly shaking his head in disapproval of my previous actions. Suddenly a voice boomed across the auditorium requesting us to take our seats causing Him to intertwine his slim fingers with mine as he lightly forced me toward the front row. My hand immediately erupting in a slight heated sensation.

I could get used to this.

No no no, I can't don't do this myself, I refuse to. Realistically I know outcome, I know the amount of damage the consequences of my actions would cause if i choose to venture down that road. You just have to resist temptation for a little longer, right? Who am I kidding, this boy will undeniably be the death of me.
As I rested my frame against the seat I felt his intense gaze on me, but it took every fiber of my being to demand my eyes to glance anywhere but his features. My conscience drifted off attempting to ignore my surroundings. That was Until I suddenly felt a slim hand slip around my bicep griping tightly causing me regain focus.

"Earth to Scottie...You do realize that If you don't pay attention you'll never learn the harmonies?" He whispered arching an eyebrow.

I attempted to focus, but my attention span wasn't quite cooperating. A intense mental battle began to form inside my mind, finally forcing myself to observe my surrounding. The woman seated at the grand stammered on about proper pitch, crescendos, and commonly known musical terms I've heard countless occasions.

"Since this is the beginning of the year I've decided it was appropriate to pair you each up with a partner."

This immediately caught my attention causing my palms to rapidity begin sweating. I begged, pleaded that I wouldn't hear my name beside his. I'd adore nothing more than to spend hours isolated with him, and well that possibly was the issue. I knew it wouldn't be appropriate, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist. As I sat there in agony mentally pacing, and paring myself as i awaited for my name.

"Scott hoying with Mitchell grassi." She announced.

just my luck.
Dammit Scott don't panic, just breathe. you vaguely recall how your lungs function, right?

He glanced in my direction amusement flashing across his pupils as he lightly chuckled.

"Well, Would you look at that." He smugly noted

"Just my lucky day." I muttered, attempting to quickly hide the amount of anxiety I was experiencing. I mentally stammered out every possible utterly foul curse word my mind would allow at this one give moment.

I suddenly felt an object rest against my palm causing my eyes to drift downward where a tattered sheet of paper laid. lifting my gaze with slight confusion; I replied with a questioning glare.

"We can't rehearse if you don't know where I live." He replied bluntly. I nodded my head in response signally that I understood.

"Don't be too long Hoying, my patience can only last so long." He teased twisting his frame, strolling up the isle, and ultimately disappearing from sight. I swiftly shuffled into the hallway, and toward the immensely crowded asphalt lot. Sprinting to my car, I slipped my frame inside shutting the door in process. As I typed his address into my GPS I attempted to calm my rapidly approaching nerves, but at this point I utterly doubt that was remotely possible.

As i traveled down the pavement accurately pursing the instructions the directions provided. I continued to remind myself of the strict boundaries I put into action, those boundaries being to not allow myself to get involved with him. After what seemed like endless driving I finally arrived at the address scribbled on the paper. Shifting into the driveway, and shutting off the vehicle, I timidly hauled my Frame up to his doorstep.

Umm, Knock on the door dumbass.
Scott's not that difficult, just put your knuckles on the oak and knock.
Or don't?
God What is wrong with you! just knock dammit.

Before the mental battle that was beginning to take my mind captive could subside, the door flew open revealing the beautiful boy I was unbelievably attracted too. His lips tugged upward allowing his perfect teeth to shine through.

"Forgot how to knock hoying?"

"Shut up." I lightly chuckled strolling through the the massive door frame. passing his figure, as I entered the foyer. turning my neck so I could comfortably glance at his features, I lifted an eyebrow waiting for a response. He didn't reply, he shifted his figure till our bodies were unbearably close, intertwining our fingers causing my palm to immediately engulf in flames as he began tugging us toward the staircase. I didn't question his actions, I just secretly yet painfully enjoyed the petite boy's contact with my skin as he led up the steep stairwell into a dark hallway. strolling down the creaky hardwood, he came to halt in front of a closed door. He slowly twisted the metal knob, and entered hauling my frame along. I was immediately attacked by the scent of his Cologne as I entered his bedroom. He released his grip on my hand as he placed his body against the mattress. He patted the spot next to him causing me to lift a curious eyebrow.

"Relax, I don't bite...unless you want me too?" He whispered.

I'm not particularly proud to admit this, but I was not fortunate enough to be provided with one single ounce of self control resulting in me immediately giving in and settling on his bed. I begged, pleaded, prayed he wouldn't attempt anything. He had this instant hold on my emotions, all common sense has been thrown to the wind. it wouldn't be possible for me to not resist him, I couldn't quite comprehend why that was or how it developed so suddenly, but every fiber of my being craved him.

"So, what song partner?" He questioned.


"You know, the assignment? Am i too much of a distraction for I inconveniencing you Scottie?" He smirked shifting as he inched his figure closer causing my shit of a spine to lean backwards.

Don't give out on me now I begged, you owe me. I mentally scolded my spine, praying it would actually cooperate for once.

I began to Uncomfortably shift as he slowly leaned inward, his lips millimeters from mine practically colliding when suddenly...

A/N: Don't kill Me, more will come I promise! But really though I'm sorry this took a century to finish, school is being a lil hoe and ugh my life is a mess! but I hope you liked it? I'm awkward asf oops...okay till the next update -Laura :) SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION: one more thing, if you want you can follow my ptx account aka Scomicheasf on Insta...aye okay bye my loves.

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