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The next morning Y/N felt drained. She walked into work stressed out and sad. Manny, her boss, noticed this and nudged her.

"Wassup early bird, why the long face?" He asks. Y/N shot him a look of pure defeat.

"I lost my cat." She informs. Manny grinned, shaking his head lightly.

"This is like the tenth time this year. You need to cage him."

She huffs. "He's always getting out when I do." Again the man laughs. "It's not funny." Y/N mutters in complaint. Manny gave her a pat on the back.

"It'll be fine, just do what you did last time and put up flyers."

She groans. "It's so much work." She complains. "The work of putting them up and taking them down when he's found. Damned cat."

"Eh, what do you expect? He's a black cat. Maybe you should adopt another one and let me watch over Spike in the shop." He suggests. Y/N gazed around Cats 'n' Cats. The different breeds of kittens are in glass displays, sitting comfortably on soft cotton sheets and enjoying the cool AC and free food until someone eventually comes around to adopt one.

"But Spike was my first cat I decided to adopt. I can't just replace him."

Manny shrugs. "Well, have fun putting up flyers."

Y/N leaned over the counts and sighed. Manny eyed her. To him Y/N is a strange girl—ever since he's met her she's always been peculiar. His eyes landed on her ass and he blushed, looking away.

Of course she's wearing a skirt that shows her panty every time she bends over. There were a few instances where she gave him an accidental view of it all. Her panty was white that day and outlined what she was hiding underneath.

She smelt heavenly too.

It's how she got hired as well. She bent down to get a view of the kittens and he happened to look over. Her panty was blue.

"Um...Y/N?" He calls nervously. She looks over.


"Would you...um..." Manny fought for his words. He'd developed a crush on her. Y/N just stared, still leaning onto the counter. "I um...I want to ask if you would perhaps want to go-" His words were cut by her.

"I'm hungry."

Manny blinked. "Oh of course." His face was dark red. He felt embarrassed for even attempting to ask her on a date. "I'll buy breakfast."

Aizawa was woken up by the alarm he'd set for six o'clock. He knows he doesn't have to be in until eight but he also knows he's going to spend most of his time prancing around and then proceeding to walk like he's got no life in him.

Spike got up, stretched a yawn and then hopped off of the bed. Aizawa looked over to his window, squinting as the morning sun peered in. He felt warm under the strip of sunlight.

After laying there for another ten minutes he finally forced himself out of bed, showered, brushed his teeth, dressed and ate nothing. He never eats breakfast. He finds the act time consuming. Aizawa fed Spike a can of tuna and left his apartment with his handbag that carries his laptop and the half marked and unmarked papers.

Aizawa checked the time on his phone and breathed a sigh from his nose. He took his time walking like he always does, enjoying sunlight but still trying to not fall asleep.

He's tired.

He's always tired.

Aizawa reached UA twenty minutes later and to his classroom. It's empty, it's quiet. He knows kids will soon pour themselves inside soon, chatting, screaming at one another. He's grown to tolerate them.

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