Part 4 "A gooey suprise"

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The elevator doors open, revealing a large hallway with multiple metal doors around every 20 feet or so. Each one has a number on a metal plate. Alex walks with Dr. L until they reach a door with the number '102'. Dr. L pulls out an ID card, and scans it across a scanner next to the door. It clicks open, as he walks into the room.

Dr. L: Well, here we are! My hotel room!

Alex: Wow, this is more clean than I expected.

Dr. L gives Alex the death stare.
Everyone is silent for a moment.

Dr. L: Anyways. Don't touch the syringes anywhere here, they're for my pal Jake.

Alex: Who's Jake?

Dr. L: My pal. Did you not listen, dude?

Alex: ...

Dr. L: Yeah, don't touch the syringes. Y'know what? Just don't touch ANYTHING in the room.

Alex: Uh..okay.

Dr. L: Alright, take a sit on that conveniently placed office chair in the middle of the room.

Alex sits down in the office chair, admiring the room.

Dr. L: Alright, first question, what's with the goggles?

Alex: Its hard to explain.

Dr. L: Answer, the, question.

Alex: I definitely just found them lying around.

Dr. L: I need more detail.

Axel: If anything goes wrong, you will be an example of subject to experiment on.

Alex: I know well damn good...

Dr. L: Hey uh, what was that?

Alex: N-nothing much. I found them and have been walking around like that for several days..

Dr. L: What's with the stuttering? C'mon, spit it out.

Alex: Dont you see? Im fine, nothing special!

Dr. L: Listen buddy.

He leans forward.

Dr. L: I can tell when someone is hiding something from me.

Alex: Alright, I. will prove it!

Alex grabbed his goggles and tried to take them off, but Axel didn't seem to insist on that.

Axel: We shouldn't do that!

Alex: Aw come on, for a moment!

Dr. L: The voices getting to you?

Alex: Nah, what are you talking about, pff. They are just old, probably.

Pedro: He got me still!

Axel: ... Right, forgot about that.

After sone struggling they untightened and Alex could take them off.

Alex: Here, see?... Phew...

Alex puts them away.

Dr. L: ..and..what exactly are you trying to prove to me?

Alex: That they are normal and dont need further introduction.

Dr. L: Mhmm..okay..and what about the glove? It looks kind of like..hebi scales.

Pedro: Uh oh...

Axel: Checkmate?...

Alex thinks for a moment and reaches for goggles.

Dr. L: Nuh uh-uh. Take BOTH of them off.

Axel: Lets risk it! We dont have any other choice.

Alex: Will it even come off?

zGrass X Dude98362 crossover (B.F.O.F X Laminax Laboratories)Where stories live. Discover now