Part 3 "Chatting"

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As they were going up, Dr. L was looking at Alex, and remember something.

Dr. L: You still didnt tell me who you are.

Alex: Oh, right! Im Alex.

Dr. L: How did you even get here? I haven't seen you on the list of workers at our laboratory.

Alex: Im not really from here, you know?

Dr. L: Then where could you even come from? Site-03? Maybe even site-02?

Alex: ... Well, let me check something real quick.

Alex moved papers to the side, leaning them against his chest and supporting with his left arm. Then he reached to his bag for some papers with his right hand. Thats when Dr. L notices something odd about Alex's face, but his sick shades don't allow him to examine properly. Doing the same thing, he takes off his shades to see Alex wear nightcrawlers goggles... Dr. L slowly puts shades above the forehead and tightly grabs papers.

Dr. L: Where did he find those?! He might get infected at any moment.. Stupid shades sabotaged me into going to the same elevator with a goggles holder.. But i got my gun on me to use at any moment. Wait! His glove seems odd too! Its like.. Its like a hebi skin. It doesnt have any cuts, so its unlikely that he murdered one of them for it. But how then?

Alex: Here! It says i work at site-04!

Dr. L: Wait, really?

Alex: Look by yourself.

Alex handed out the papers that had all the information.

Dr. L: Site-05?! But i thought they end at 04 and afterwards come deep mines. But i guess i was wrong. Why is he walking around with all that paperwork anyway? They should have taken it from the beginning and gave a keycard-

But something else also caught his eye.

Dr. L: Age 18? This does not match the standards at all. Why is he even working at such company.. Wait, if he has the documents, then how did he use the elevator without a keycard?

Everything made Alex look very suspicious, causing him to just put papers back and wait till the elevator stops.

Dr. L: Mind if i see your keycard?

Alex: I, uh, i just-

Dr. L: You dont have your keycard.

Alex: How did you-

Dr. L: It was obvious. Now show me what keycard you are using.

Alex pulled out almost blank keycard.

Alex: I found it in pile of goo..

Dr. L: Then the owner is definitely dead.

Alex didnt answer. For the rest of a ride Dr. L was looking Alex dead into the goggles...

zGrass X Dude98362 crossover (B.F.O.F X Laminax Laboratories)Where stories live. Discover now