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In me, the pure anger rose high, he had practically used me as a weapon. I had no problem killing people, but that doesn't mean that I do it at the command of others! I quickly got up from him and trudged furiously through the wet Moss towards the prison. But this at normal speed because I didn't know if he knew the way back. Some time later, he also got up and ran after me without a word. Why did I even tell him?!? Well, after my jump earlier with the biters, it was undeniable that I was not normal anyway. But I should have tried it! But on the other hand, it was also good to talk to someone about it. I was so absorbed in my mind that I didn't even notice that we had almost arrived at the iron gate of the prison and only now realized that weapons were aimed at me again. Carl, Rick and Glenn stood there and had already secured them. That made me angry, they knew they could trust me! "Is this going to start again!?! You can fucking trust me," I shouted. "Ehm... Kathrine." I turned around and looked at Daryl. I looked at him questioningly but at the same time dismissively. "Your mouth," he said. And immediately I knew what he meant. I still had my victim's blood on my mouth. I didn't know what to do! "It's okay guys!" said Daryl. "What happened?" Rick asked suspiciously. "She doesn't want to talk about it..." daryl began, but I interrupted him. "No, it's okay. Rick, the governor will attack soon. I have blood on my mouth because we killed 2 of his henchmen and one of the two quickly became a stray. He wanted to bite me but Daryl saved my life, the blood managed to get there when daryl missed the biter and he hit his shoulder. And the blood then dripped onto my mouth," I explained and hoped that they would buy it from me. Actually, I saved Daryl's life, because they discovered us and also had good weapons. And he could be glad that I didn't kill him! We stared at each other for a long time but finally Rick nodded and everyone took down the weapons. They opened the gate and I was surprised that no stray had attacked us in this discussion, but I felt pretty stupid even now. You couldn't have thought of a slightly more credible excuse either Kathrine! I complained to myself. Me and Daryl went through the gate and it was closed again by Carl immediately afterwards. "How come you're back here?" Rick suddenly asked. Improvise Kathrine! "Ehm... Daryl and I crossed paths in the forest and he then spoke to the governor. I took him to a river and we killed 2 of his henchmen. Then he persuaded me to come along," I explained again. I really couldn't come up with any good excuses! "When will the governor attack?" Rick suddenly asked sternly and rather angry. "I guess in a week," I returned from myself. He nodded silently and said nothing more. "I'm going to keep watch," I said and headed for one of the towers. "Don't you want to eat something first?" asked Rick. My gaze immediately eclipsed. "No thanks, I just ate," I said, looking at Daryl. He immediately knew what I meant and lowered his gaze a little. I turned around again and ran towards the watchtower, it was huge and had an iron door, but I opened it with ease. I closed them behind me and ran up the stairs, they were made of steel and were already rusting in some places, just like the wall. When I was upstairs, I looked around. Up here was still a small room also with steel walls that only went up to the hip. The rest was made of glass, there was also a small way that once went around the room and was surrounded by a steel fence. On the whole, it was safe here, unless you have no more food and you were surrounded by a horde of strays. I stood at the railing and listened. Nothing. Only the moan of the strays, a few animals and the voices of the group. Suddenly I heard someone coming up the stairs and I knew it was Daryl. I didn't pay any attention to him and stared further into the distance. "I'm sorry," he said barely audible. "I shouldn't have forced you to kill," he added. "I had no problem killing these people, I was much more afraid that I would do something to you," I whispered. However, I was still a little angry with him. "What do you hear?" he asked. "Everything," I answered simply and dismissively. He sighed and for a long time there was silence. "Is there more of your kind?" he asked and broke through the silence. "Yes. But I've never met one before," I said without looking at him. "And then how did you become one?" he asked. "I don't want to talk about it," I sighed and now looked down at the grass. "How long have you been living?" he asked. Why was he so interested!?!. "Why are you asking me?" I asked and looked at him now. "I'm fascinated," he finally returned from himself. "I am a monster Daryl! The most dangerous predator in the world and you are fascinated? Actually, you would have to point your crossbow at me and order me to piss off from here," I returned from myself. "No," he said. "Why?" I asked him a little curiously. "I know what it feels like to be alone, you like to be the most dangerous rator in the world, but you still have feelings," he explained. Well, I was also able to turn off my feelings. With us vampires, it's like a switch. However, I've never turned off my feelings and won't do it. I was touched by Daryl's words, but I didn't let it be noticed. For a long time we looked into each other's eyes and silence broke in. "I've been living since 1864," I said after a long time. "Your kind has been around for so long?" he asked in disbelief. I nodded. "There are 3 vampires you were the first to become our kind. They are called original vampires, they are stronger than the normal ones and have the gift of manipulating everything and everyone only with their eyes. Even me," I said. His eyes widened a little, but quickly became quite normal again. He didn't say anything about it. "Do you want to see one of my best secrets?" I asked. He looked at me and nodded slowly. "Give me your knife," I said. "Why?" he asked suspiciously. "Just give it up, I won't kill you and if I had it, I wouldn't need a knife!" I said. I saw in his eyes that he knew I was right and he gave me the knife. I opened my right palm and cut a deep cut there. "What's that about?" he muttered. "Look," I just said. Immediately daryl calmed down and looked. The cut healed quickly and you only saw a small strip of blood on your hand where the cut was. "You are invulnerable," he said. "No, that's not true, if I don't get blood for too long, the wounds heal slowly," I said and he nodded. "Is the myth true that vampires can't go into the sun?" he asked. That was actually a stupid question because we were in the sun all the time today, but actually it was right. I wore a chain that protected me from it, back then around 1890 there were witches who could do that. However, there were no more today. "Yes, that's true, but I'm wearing a chain that protects me from it," I said and showed it to him. She was silver and had a red diamond on it. You could even open it, in it was a photo of what I looked like in 1864 and I decided to show it to him. He stared at the picture and then looked up at me. "You haven't changed," he said. I shook my head and he gave me the picture again. I carefully put the picture back in there and dropped the trailer back into my shirt. Suddenly I heard something, but I didn't look. "Daryl," I said. "Hm?" he just said. "I don't want you to turn around now and not look around. Do you have a revolver?" I asked. He still looked at the floor, nodded and inconspicuously took a small revolver out of his pocket and gave it to me carefully. I knew exactly where the sound came from, I unlocked the gun and quickly turned in that direction. A bang sounded and I heard the person fall lifeless to the ground. Daryl looked at me questioningly. "We were observed. Well, not anymore," I said. I had killed this person with a clean headshot, I knew that. "Let's go in," he said. "No, I'll stay here," I said. "Well, then I'll stay with you," Daryl decided. "You don't have to," I returned from myself. "But I'll stay," he said and stood next to me...

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