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I looked at the group that aimed their weapons at me. "Take down the weapons! Or do I look like I can do something to you?!? I helped you!" I defended myself. "Of course. You saw how you shot the man who was about to shoot you from behind! You don't look dangerous, but you are," said one of the group. I took a closer look at him. He also had brown hair, which was slightly curly and a light beard. He looked like the leader of the group. "That was reflex!" I added uncertainly. There was great silence for a long time, and I noticed how my desire for blood became stronger. If I kill one, I'll die, but if I don't kill one, I'll soon become too weak for this broken world. I have long since knocked out of my head a hope that there is this plague somewhere else. I felt the desire getting stronger and stronger and I was tense. I had to go, otherwise they would soon see my vampire teeth. "I have to go," I returned from myself, strained and concentrated. I got up and just walked towards the forest. "And by the way. Your good friends will wake up soon. One undead and one alive. So watch out," I added and had almost arrived at the edge of the forest. "Wait!" someone called me from behind. I turned around. "What?" I still gave back strained by myself. "Come here," said the leader. I hesitated, but walked towards him and stopped a few meters next to this gray-haired man. "Stay with us. You can fight well. You proved that to us," he said. "Are you alone?" he added. "Yes," I said. "But I prefer to go alone," I said, looking for an excuse. I turned around and wanted to go. When I was suddenly grabbed by my leg and then I felt pain. I looked down, this gray-haired guy rammed a slightly smaller knife into my leg. I screamed in pain. I couldn't hold it anymore, I was angry and let the vampire run freely in me. I turned my back to the group and grabbed this ass by the collar and pulled it up. He was now a little higher than me and was hanging in the air. I showed him my face and he was frightened and frozen. "If you bend another hair of this group, I swear to you that I will kill you," I said my threat quietly and only audible to him. I grabbed him tighter by the collar and hit myself with force. His head clapped backwards and he was immediately knocked out. I dropped him and so my vampire face disappeared and turned back to the group. "What was that!?!," the alleged leader said. "This happens to a man who stabs a knife in a woman's leg and accidentally trained her every day before this apocalypse," I lied. "What's your name?" asked the brown-haired man with the long overgrown hair. "Kathrine," I said. "And you?" I asked. "These are Maggie, Glenn, Carol and Rick. Our leader," he said. So I was right that he is the leader. "And what's your name?" I asked the man with the overgrown hair. "Daryl," he returned. Good to know. "We'll take your leg with us and if you still want to go after that, you can do it quietly," said Rick. I looked down at my leg and unfortunately saw it already started to heal. That was very slow but it healed. "Ok.," I gave in. My leg would heal either way, but maybe there were animals nearby. That would be perfect for me. We walked for a while and I saw him standing there. A small gray Chevy, and next to it a motorcycle. "Kathrine. You're driving with Daryl. We need a seat for our weapons and backpacks. I nodded hesitantly. Daryl ran forward and sat down on the motorcycle. The others got in and stowed their things. After a few minutes, the engine was started. "Will it be soon?" Daryl asked. I completely forgot to ascend. I nodded and limped to his motorcycle and sat behind him. "Hold on tight," he grumbled. I did what he said and clutched his upper body. We started and drove off. The motorcycle was loud and immediately attracts undead. How could you drive with it in such a world? I looked up and stared at his throat. My face changed abruptly and I noticed that too. I hid my face behind his back and hoped that my face would soon return to normal....

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