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I stood there for a while and thought about what to do now. Going home wouldn't help, of course it was safer there. But I'm a vampire. Nothing stops me! I had decided not to go home and make my way. Maybe this plague didn't exist elsewhere and I could continue my life as before. I left the room and walked down the hallway again. And entered the "information" where the fight had taken place. There was only one difference. These men have mutated into this crit and twisted their heads after me. "Shit!" I push out. How could I be so stupid? I should have hit their heads right away! But I just didn't feel like another fight. So I ran past them at vampire speed and now stood outside again. There also lay the bodies of these undead, but to my relief, fortunately remained dead on the ground. The 5 undead also came from the blood bank and of course wanted to come to me. But nothing there! I walked up to the one and hit him with the bulb when I suddenly heard moaning behind me. And when I turned around, I was scared. There was a whole horde of them swaying towards me. "Fuck!" I hissed. I turned around and ran behind the blood bank. But at a normal speed, I didn't know what else could expect there. But there was nothing there for my relief. I turned around and saw that the horde had kept up with me and was only a few meters away from me. I looked around and recognized a few hundred meters behind a forest edge. I ran at vampire speed and stopped at the edge of the forest. These critters looked kind of confused that I was no longer standing there. I couldn't resist a grin and then went into the forest.

3 months later

I walked through the forest like every day. However, weak and looking for help, I looked for some animal around that might still be here. These critters had eaten most deer, but also squirrels. I had not drunk any more blood for 1 week and therefore could no longer use my advantages as a vampire properly. The worst thing was that my wounds no longer healed within seconds. No, they needed almost a whole day. I could no longer use my sense of hearing and neither could I use my speed. My sense of sight had also deteriorated significantly. At that time, I could also see an ant crawling on the ground 20 meters away. Today I had to duck to see what's crawling at all. I didn't look so good anymore either, I had dark circles and my hair was completely disheveled and smeared with blood. My great Nikes were gone, the sole was broken and they were dirty. Just like my outfit. I was just too weak. I still had to have blood today, otherwise I might not survive all this here. Suddenly I heard moans behind me and shuffled steps that came closer. I turned around and recognized one of these critters. It was a woman, she was blonde and had shoulder-length hair. She moaned and opened her mouth. My eyes were on her throat and I felt the desire to hit my teeth in her throat. But that didn't work, the blood was rotten and would only offend me even more. I felt my vampire teeth come to light and I already wanted to start knocking my teeth into her neck. But I stopped, closed my eyes briefly and took a few breaths. My teeth disappeared again, as did the red veins under my eyes. I opened my eyes again and saw that the thing was dangerously close, I grabbed it by the shoulders and shoved it on the floor. I turned around and ran away between a scrub. I kept running and sitting moaning the cattle also became quieter and quieter until it finally fell silent. I stopped and leaned against a tree and exhaled. When I suddenly heard gunshots and turned around in shock. And then discussions and screams. My curiosity won and I ran after these voices. I held myself camouflaged in a few bushes and watched the events. There stood a group aimed at a man with gray hair. He had turned his back to me, but now I saw why this discussion had taken place. This gray-haired man pressed another man with his back against his chest and held a knife to his throat. The man had long overgrown brown hair and a leather vest on. "We can clarify this differently!" one of the group tried to convince him. "No, we can't! You killed a few of my men! And it's only fair that I also kill one of you!" he shouted at the group. Should I help you? I mean there were creatures with healthy blood. Perfect. But if I bite one of them, the others could shoot me. Of course it would heal again, but with a headshot I was dead for a few hours. And if I see the group again, they would know that something was wrong with me. And it was top priority to keep my secret. I gathered all the strength together again and I felt that I was getting a little stronger. I got up and quietly stepped out of my hiding place. The group saw me, but this gray-haired guy didn't. Since he stood with his back to me. I put a finger on my lips and pointed out to the group that they should not betray me. "We can clarify everything!" the voice of this man sounded again. It was a distraction tactic. "No!" the gray-haired man hissed. When I stood behind him, I looked at his neck and had this desire. I took a quiet breath once and had myself a little under control. I just wanted to grab this man by the collar, so I felt that something cold was held on my head. "Nanana!" a voice sounded behind me and the gray-haired man turned around scared and looked at me with a frightened face. But he immediately grinned maliciously. He had an eye patch on. Now I could also see the face of the brown-haired man. He had a light beard and his hair covered his face a bit. I looked into his blue eyes and you could see the reflection of the man behind me who looked at me from top to bottom. Suddenly I heard something was unlocked. Clearly a rifle. Now my survival instinct went through with me. I turned around, grabbed the rifle, tore it out of his hand and shot him directly into his stomach. He sank to the ground and remained lying down. I turned around again and hit the gray-haired guy in the face. He fell to the ground and pulled the brown-haired man with him. But I held him tight and pulled him back up. But I felt that he pushed me back and I landed on the ground ungently....

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