Prologue: 21 Years Ago

Start from the beginning

Then Branch said "But no one's ever hit the Perfect Family Harmony before (Not true, Branch). *With A Sparkle In His Eyes* Is it true it can shatter diamonds?"

Then Floyd said with a smile "Yes. It's that powerful."

Then Branch remembers something, Then he said to Floyd which caught their older other brothers attentions "Also... GirlZone is literally here"

Then Floyd, John Dory, Spruce (Bruce) and Clay all gasped in surprise and then they all rushed to the vine curtain and looked out to see GirlZone in the front row line

Then Clay said while looking dreamily at Camilla "*Sighs Dreamily* Camilla~"

Then Floyd smiles in love when he saw Fiona

Then Spruce (Bruce) felt his crotch go hard while smiling sexually when he saw Sage (Bianca)

Then John Dory felt his heart beat really fast when he saw Julia

Then BroZone's 'falling-in-love' trances got interrupted by a male stage crew member calling out '10 seconds!'

Then Spruce (Bruce) said to John Dory while rubbing some cream like oil on his abs so it can be more revealing and sexy "A-And what happens if we can't hit it?"

Then John Dory said while turning to face his 4 younger brothers "Oh, That's not an option. If we can't hit the Perfect Family Harmony, We aren't perfect. And if we aren't perfect, We're nothing. Just follow my lead *Branch Puts On His Popstar Glasses* and the Harmony will happen. Let's bro!"

{Meanwhile with GirlZone}

The GirlZone members were chatting while waiting for the show to start until...

Then the Announcer said to the crowd through the speakers as the spotlights all shined on the mushroom stage "Ladies and gentlemen, Here they are..."

Then the GirlZone members all became extremely excited including the crowd when they all heard the show starting right now

Then Spruce (Bruce) first to show as he swings onto the stage on a vine as the Announcer said while a BroZone song called 'Perfect' started playing in the background "The Heartthrob", Then Spruce (Bruce) crossed his arms as he did a sexy kissy face towards the crowd

Then Sage (Bianca) said while squealing with a lot of excitement when she saw Spruce (Bruce) "Oh my god!"

Then Clay secondly showed up as he used a bouncing mushroom to jump onto the stage as the Announcer said "The Fun Boy"

Then Camilla screams excitedly as she saw Clay

Then the Announcer said as Floyd made his appearance on the stage "The Sensitive One"

Then Fiona had tears of excitement and joy coming down her eyes while they sparkle when she saw Floyd and said dreamily "Floyd~"

Then the Announcer said when John Dory made his appearance on the stage "The Leader"

Then Julia looked like she was about to faint with awe and excitement when she saw John Dory

Then Announcer said when Branch made his appearance lastly "And the baby"

Then Shakeah sqeals in excitement and in a adorable way when she saw Branch

Then the Announcer said as BroZone made all of their appearances on stage after emerging from the purple smoke "Give it up for... BroZone!"

Then everyone started screaming and squealing in excitement to see BroZone

BroZone: *All Sings While Dancing* Well, There she goes

Spruce (Bruce): *Sings And Dances While Showing His Rock-Hard Abs Through His Purple Puffy Jacket To The Crowd But Mostly To Sage (Bianca)* On the floor. Let's do this, No more talking~

Sage (Bianca): *Almost Fainted With Awe At The Sight Of Spruce's (Bruce's) Rock-Hard Abs But 3 Random Trolls Did*

BroZone: *Continues Singing While Dancing* Did anybody notice?

Floyd: *Sings While Dancing* The energy just shifted when we dropped in

Ooh, *Held His Hand Out For Fiona While Smiling Romantically At Her* Let it drop in~

Fiona: *Blushes Really Madly At This While Sighing Dreamily At Him*

Clay: *Sings While Dancing As Camilla Sings Along With Him* Ooh

I don't flex, But I might

Groove about to take flight

John Dory: *Sings While Dancing As Julia Sings And Dances Along With Him* 'Cause the night is young and the music's on

And we got love on sight

Branch: *Sings While Dancing* The sky was the limit

Now the stars where we livin'

It's the vibe when we're in it

*Lifts Up His Popstar Glasses A Bit, Then Winks Romantically At Shakeah* It'll blow your mind~

Shakeah: *Sqeals In Excitement As She She Was Now Sitting In Sage's (Bianca's) Hair*

{Timeskip to after the concert incident} (Because I didn't want to do that part, Sorry for the inconvenience everyone)

Then Shakeah said to GirlZone in her young child voice while standing on the ground and with sadness "You guys are leaving? Why?"

Then Camilla said to Shakeah while trying to explain "Well, Little S... We just have to find our roots in this world"

Then Sage (Bianca) said to Shakeah while kneeling down to her level "But don't worry, We 4 aren't going to be gone forever"

Then Fiona said to Shakeah while crouching down to her level "Yeah, We'll be back"

Then Julia said "We will promise you that, Little S. But right now we... we have to follow our hearts"

Then Shakeah said while nodding sadly "Ok..."

Then GirlZone held out their arms for Shakeah, Then Shakeah hugged them as they all grouped hugged each other

Then GirlZone all let go of Shakeah, Then Julia said "We'll all see you soon... Future Queen of the Elemental Trolls"

Then GirlZone all started to walk away from Shakeah, Then they all separated into different paths as Shakeah watched them leave

Then Shakeah said with a sad smile while waving softly at them leaving "Bye... See you later..."

End of Prologue

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