Chapter 6

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*three months later*
Isabel's pov.
Well now I'm standing in my empty room that I'm really going to miss. I really don't want to leave but I do. I don't want to say goodbye cause then I know it's over. I will leave saying ' see ya' instead. Nash and kat met me at the airport." Goo....," I interrupted Nash." See ya. Not goodbye. Goodbye means it's over but it's not over," I said." See ya izzy," kat said." See ya little sis," Nash said. I hugged them and then my plane was called I walked into the plane and sat down next to this really loud annoying kid. But I can sleep through anything. I finally fell asleep.
I woke up and our plane was landing. I got up and when the plane landed I got off the plane. We got in our car and drove to the new house. I haven't even seen it yet but my parents did when they were on their business trip. All of are stuff is in our house except a couple boxes so I decide to go look at my room first. It was really big but everything was in the wrong place. I'll have to fix that. I run outside and I saw this really attractive kid in his yard. I went to grab my box and there was a spider on it I freaked out and screamed and dropped the box. He noticed and came over to me." Do you need help," he asked. He smiled. He's so cute." Sure carry that in," I said. He grabbed the box and I grabbed the other one and we walked inside my house. We walked into my room and he put the box down. I grabbed it and put it down on my box." I have a question," he asked." Yeah," I asked." What's your name," he asked." Isabel Gonzales," I said." My names Daniel Skye," he said." Hi Daniel," I said." I better go you have a lot of unpacking to do but when your done feel free to knock on my door," he said walking out of my room. I think I will. I moved everything and put it in its right place. And then I folded up my clothes and put them in the dresser I put clothes and hung them up in my closet. I organized everything. When I was done I told my mom I was going to Daniels house and I left. I walked up to his doorstep and I knocked. I was gonna leave but I got the courage to knock. He opened it and smiled he came outside and shut the door." Hey," he said sitting down on the porch so I sat down next to him." I looked you up and you sing," he asked." Yeah I like to sing," I said." Me to," he said." Really," I said looking at him." Yeah I've been singing for a year," he said." I've been singing for eight years," I said." Seriously that's a long time," he said." Yeah I was seven when I found out I really liked to sing," I said." Do you ride a penny board," he asked." No my ex boyfriend wouldn't teach me. I guess I'm unteachable," I said." How long have you been single," he asked." Three months," I said." Who's your ex," he asked." Hayes Grier," I said." Oh I know him hes really chill," he said." Well he cheated on me and I broke up with him," I said." Really he talked about you all the time I was wondering why your name was really familiar," he said." Yeah but I'm over him," I said." Well can I teach you how to ride one," he asked." Yeah," I said. he smiled and I smiled. He walked over to the side of his house and grabbed a penny board." Now," i asked. He nodded. He showed me how to do it. I put one foot on the board and I got scared. I pulled it off." It's okay I'll help you," he said. He grabbed my arm and then I stood up. The board slipped and I almost fell but he caught me." Wow. We'll continue this later," he said. He helped me stand up and he decided to take my to a carnival that was going on. I ran over o my house grabbed some money and walked outside. It wasn't that far from our house so we walked." I don't get why Hayes would cheat on you your awesome," Daniel said." Thanks. Me neither I guess he didn't like me as much as I thought he did," I said.
What do you guys think of Isabel and Daniel? Let me know in the comments. Vote if you liked this chapter love ya💖
-isabel and kat❤️

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