Chapter 5

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Isabel's pov.
I was walking home when Nash came running after me." Are you okay?," he asked." No I'm not okay I just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with the same girl that was all over you," I said." I know it's hard but Isabel just remember that Hayes loves you," Nash said." If he really loved me he wouldn't have cheated. I can find a guy who really cares. A guy who won't cheat," I said." I honestly wanted you and Hayes to be together so you could be my sister but really you are my sister no matter what," Nash says." Yes you are even if you and kat don't work out I'm still your sister," I said." Whatever decision you make I'm here for you," Nash said. I gave him a hug." I'm gonna go home and cry myself to sleep and then I'll be over him so bye," I said walking away from Nash." Text me if you need anything," he said." Okay," I said. I got home and my parents smiled." Are you guys okay you guys are acting weird," I said." Is it okay to give you news right now," my mom asked." No I'm gonna just go to sleep," I said walking into my room. I stripped put pajamas on and decided to cry myself to sleep. I laid down but I couldn't cry. I decided to get up and take everything of Hayes's that I have and get rid of it. I went to my closet and took out shirts and sweatshirts. Sweatpants and things he bought me. I went outside I folded up all his clothes took my bat and smashed everything he bought me except my big teddy bear I decided to keep that. Then I walked over to his house and left his clothes on his porch and left. I'm seriously just gonna let this relationship go. Plus I'm kinda taking it well. That's probably cause I've been through this in my dream. I just don't think we were meant to be. I'm so happy now I think I'm ready for my parents 'news'. I get home and my parents were still acting weird but when I walked in I noticed some boxes." Umm... What's going on what's with all of the boxes," I asked." We have to tell you something," my mom said." Carlos," she yelled at my dad," he came in and they both sat down." We should have told you before but we are moving to Florida in three months," my mom said." Great. I have to go to school tomorrow cause the break ended and Hayes and me broke up and now we are moving could this day get any worse," I said walking away. I called kat.
K- hey how are you taking the break up.
I- with Hayes? Oh I'm over that but guess what.
K- what.
I- I'm moving to Florida
K- what!!!!
I- yeah my mom and dad decided without me. But at least I can get out of this crapy state
K- true. But aren't you gonna miss Nash and Hayes.
I- Nash. Yes. Hayes. No. I'll be to see you guys again digit tour wants to sign me up so I'm gonna do that. Which means I get to your everywhere😊.
K- that's fun I'll miss you tho.
I- I'll miss you to I gotta start packing.
K- I'm going to bed.
I- okay goodnight
K- goodnight.
I move in three months.😁
Hope you guys like this chapter. Vote if you liked it. Comment please I love to read them😉 love yah💖
-Isabel and kat❤️

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