~Chapter Six: Lucid Dreams~

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I awake back in my coven, curled in a fetal position on the cold ground. I was being kicked and beaten by the others in my coven. I know this memory… I think, as I sob, and hold my arms over my face, attempting to shield myself from their swings. One of them, I fail to block, and get kicked in the head. They keep kicking and punching me, making bloody bruises all over my body, and a few broken bones. My ribs ached, my nose was bleeding, and my left eye began to swell. My head throbbed, and my bruises spread out across my skin and stung to the touch.
    The leader of the coven entered the room, and yelled at the others that were beating me. "Hey! Get off of him! How dare you beat one of our own!" He scolded. "I am disappointed in every one of you. Now go get to bed before you are punished." He hissed. They raced off, giggling and whispering. I struggled to get myself up off the ground, but I did so, and forced myself to stand in the uncomfortably formal position, which made my ribs feel like shards of glass were going to pierce through me. I fight back tears as it hurts incredibly bad to breathe. "And for you… How dare you let the other children pick on you. If you let them beat you to a bloody pulp again, it only says to me that you're too weak to be in the coven and should be left behind." He hissed, and left to make sure the others were in bed.
     When I knew for sure that he was gone, I exhaled all of the air in my lungs, and sobbed from the sharp and aching pain all around my body. I cried until I couldn't anymore. "Why do I have to be so weak?!" I screamed, and punched the floor with my small hands. The leader's words echoed in my head, making me cry even more.
      Later that day, I laid in a soft wood coffin, layered with cloth. I sat in silence, hearing my bones shifting inside me, and my skin moving on its own. It was interesting hearing my body forcing itself to heal, even though I was in extreme pain the entire time. The grinding and small clinking of bones kept me awake for the entire day. When I finally got to sleep, and my bones stopped cracking and shifting, I awoke back in the cold, moist cave.

°•Crypt of The Eternal•°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora