Eyes On Me

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Before dusk set they made it to the roadside safely. Y/N had to leave Indy to walk a couple of miles to get help. The kind stranger took them to a nearby hospital. 

They were bandaged up, got multiple stitches, and are waiting for the results of a cat scan. Y/N was lucky she only fractured ribs, a few cuts, and a few bruises. Indy was sitting on a hospital bed with the curtain blocking most of his view. He saw his doctor speaking to some staff at the nearby nurse's station. Four police officers started talking to the doctor, Indy got up grabbed his belongings from the nearby chair, and left through the closed portion of the curtain

"Y/N" Indy whispered pulling back the curtains. He found her behind the fourth bed he searched. "We're leaving," He pulled back her blanket, "Someone is after us, we need to go."

"What? I am in no condition to, you're in no condition to leave."

"Doll, someone is after us, we need to go!!" He hissed.

She quickly and carefully took out the IV from her arm, letting the small amount of blood cascade down her skin. She grabbed her clothes, slipping her shoes on. His large hand engulfed hers as he took it leading them out of the chaos of a busy emergency room. They made it outside and into a cab before the doctor turned to see that Indiana was no longer in bed. The men ran in the direction that he left.

Y/N and Indy had exited without being caught, "Would you like to inform me about what in the world is going on?" She pulled her pants up.

Indy finished getting dressed, "I recognized one of the fake officers back at the hospital. Oscar Brandy. You could say we have a past, an unpleasant one. Luckily, I was able to make a call to my friend Marco before all this happened. We have a safe place while we are in town, but we need to find someone we can trust to go to about our findings and the men..." He paused, remembering. "Your ex-husband."

"Why was it unpleasant?"

"I slept with his wife and stole an artifact from him, which now resides in the Museum of National History," He paused, "And they're no longer married."

 "Of course you did." She rolled her eyes at him. "Where are we heading now?"

"A motel on the edge of town. There is a market next to it and we can get new clothes. we definitely can't be seen in blood-soaked clothing." He winced as he shifted in the seat looking out the back window watching to see if they were being followed.

They were dropped off at the market where they could obtain food and new clothes. Indiana and Y/N got a room his friend rented for him under Marco's name.

"I need to shower," Y/N stated awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'll take one after you."

Y/N kept her eyes averted, nodding. "Alright."

A few minutes had passed, and Indy had looked out the window; walking back and forth between the window and the door making sure both were locked at least a dozen times. There was almost a warn trail in the carpet. He began talking to himself. 'Why are you so scared? man up. you're being a coward.' He paced back and forth. 'This isn't your first rodeo Indy, it's not the first time you like a girl either so get in there!'

 Indy padded into the bathroom, undressing. She hadn't heard him and jumped when the curtain was pulled back.

"What are you doing?"

He didn't say a word, pulling the curtain closed behind him. He saw her, hair slicked back and bubbly from the shampoo she must have just applied. Her skin glistened from the water cascading off of her. Bruises, cuts stitched up, and blood smeared across her skin. She turned her back to him, anxious about what her now battered body looked like to him.

Neither said a word, He took a bar of soap into his hands bringing them into a lather. He set the bar down and began to run his hands across her shoulders and down her arms, leaving suds and causing his hands to turn red. the water ran red as it dripped into the drain, as they cleansed each other's bodies. 

He turned her around, and a look of nervousness flashed across her face. 

Giving her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry we're both too beat up for that."

"I wasn't thinking that."

"You're still stunning if you're worried about your appearance."

She gave him a soft smile, "You'd sleep with me if I looked dead."

Indy scrunched up his nose, "Necrophilia is not my thing."

She couldn't help but laugh out loud, it caused him to smile, He was so glad to hear it. "I said looked, but good to know." His thumb moved slowly across her cheek dispersing any trace of the bloody cheek that once was.  "Thank you." She looked away, her voice barely audible.

"It's just blood."

"Not that," She vocally swallowed. "For saving me. I can't quite put my finger on it but I feel like you've rescued me too many times before... in this lifetime and others. Like we've known each other for millennia. It sounds silly I know."

He searched her eyes, "Not silly at all." He pushed wet hair from her face, "It's funny, I felt that too. Since the first day we met."

She took a step forward, reaching for his face, and pulling him into a kiss.

...:The next day:...

"It's okay," He breathed against her ear. "You can take it."

Her head fell back against his shoulder, and his arms wrapped around her body, as he became engulfed in her. His hips became wave-like with each movement. Her body fell forward her hands catching her against the shower wall. there was a standing mirror at the end of the bed before her and he caught her gaze in the reflection.

"Keep your eyes there darling, I want you to watch me make you cum." He commanded. 'Fuck he could be so erotic', she moaned at his words. Their eyes stayed on each other's reflection. "God, you feel amazing." His hands groped her bare breast, as he repeatedly hit that spot that made all her pain disappear into euphoria. 

He was still gentle with his movements, forgetting his pain but refusing to cause her more. 

"Oh God," She moaned, eyes shut.

"Eyes!!" He commanded.

Her eyes snapped open. "What?"

"The reflection. I said to keep your eyes on me. You will watch us reach ecstasy together, don't shy away. Look how amazing you look Y/N." His voice was breathy and dripping with dominance, "Glorious."

"I'm still covered in bruises, an-"

He cut her off. "Beauty. Look how amazing you look." His movements became faster. "If I could do this until time ends together, I would. Watching you like this is the most," He moaned, "turned-on I've ever felt. Can you feel that? Can you feel how we fit like a puzzle?"

"Yes." She answered in a breathy voice. "It's too perfect, but it's still hard to keep my eyes on you when you feel this good."

"I know darling, but just keep those beautiful eyes on me. I can feel it. You're almost there darling. Eyes on me."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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