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Evans POV:

I was still walking down the street and looking at the number. Should I talk to him maybe, I put the note in my pocket and just kept walking.

Johnnie's POV:

I just wanted to help him, why would he do that to himself well I have done it too myself multiple of times too. Then I got a text at first I thought it was him but It was just Jake. I answered him back and put my phone in my back in my pocket.

Evans POV:

I walked into my house and into my room, I grabbed my phone I saw Cam texted me?

Cam: Evan why didn't you show up to the studio today?

Me: Bc I needed a break

Cam: but the fans want a new song Evan!

Me: I think my mental health is declining and I needed a break

Cam: are you alright Evan.

Me: no not rlly :/

Cam: Evan I know we've haven't know each other for long but just know I'm hear for you.

Me: thank you cam that means a lot to me

Cam: yeah

I stopped texting him my simile started to fade and I threw my phone on my table, tears came flowing from my eyes. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!" I screamed. I remember what Johnnie said. I pulled out his phone number that's when I started to text him.

Me: Hey Johnnie this is Evan the guy you ran into on the street I just wanted to talk to you

Johnnie: Evan I think this was the right thing to do, I Know I shouldn't have said anything about your cuts I know it's your body but you need to stop I've been in the exact same situation that you have been in and it was a nightmare. I also was in so much pain I just got over a break up and so on. I won't go in to detail. All I have to really say is that stop.

Evan: I'm sorry Johnnie but I don't think I can stop.

Johnnie: Evan you should try at least think of positive things even make some friends how about you come hang out with me and friends tomorrow.

Evan: alright Johnnie.

(The Next Day)

Johnnies POV:

Me and Jake invited are friends to this fancy restaurant place so Evan could try to make some friends. We all went around 6:30 pm. We all the got there before Evan did, where was  he? I thought he was coming. Did he forget I hope he didn't, "so we're
is this guy." Scuff said while taking a sip of his soda. "I'm sure he's coming soon." I said

Evans POV:

I woke up the next day and saw it was 6:45 pm, SHIT?! I got up really fast through on some clothes brushed my teeth and went out the door and ran to my car and got in. I went to text Johnnie,

Me: Johnnie I'm so sorry I'm late I slept in a lot later than usual

Johnnie: just hurry up we're all waiting on you

I pulled into the restaurant and got out of my car. I ran inside and Johnnie waved at me. I sat down, "Why were you so late?" The guy next to me asked. "That's Scuff." Johnnie said. "I didn't get up in time."  I said, we all got are good and chitchatted for a little while and then everyone left. I just went home and went back to sleep I hated that so much.

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