Aqua and Fu Hua: How to make the most tragic characters

Start from the beginning

Loneliness, isolation, and fall to darkness

Finally what makes Aqua and Fu Hua the most tragic characters in their respective franchises is due to their loneliness and how it ultimately played a part in their fall to darkness. For context let's look at Aqua again. During her time wandering in the Realm of Darkness we see how much Aqua has ultimately changed for the worse, her happy and naïve personality she had is gone and in it's place is sadness, depression, anxiety, loneliness, despair, and sorrow so much so in fact that when she speaks Aqua sounds dead inside and it actually makes sense not to mention Willa Holland's great performance definitely highlights how Aqua spent more than a decade all alone with nobody around. On top of that we have Aqua always thinking about the happier days and wishing things could've been different had she handled things with much more care which cause her to feel even more regret and latch on to guilt as this has been going on for years to the point where was chasing and interacting with phantoms even a battle between her own phantom. She is so isolated, so alone, and so guilt by all the things she did that she was so desperate to look for comfort for her misery. If we compare Aqua to other characters who have been in her shoes or have felt the same way she felt to an extent we noticed there are major differences. Sora always had Donald and Goofy and even Namine when she watched over him. Riku was isolated for a year but he had Mickey by his side not to mention he also had his doppelgänger Riku Replica. Kairi had friends she made when Sora and Riku were gone. Roxas had Axel and Xion, then Hayner, Pence, and Olette. Axel had Saïx and then Kairi. Xion had Roxas and Axel before she died to be with Sora. Namine had Riku Replica and also her heart was in Kairi. Ventus was in Sora's heart despite his body being asleep. And Eraqus was inside Terra's heart after he died. Pretty much every character in Kingdom Hearts you can think of pretty much all of them had emotional support and always had others around them in one way or another. Aqua had none of that, she went through 11 years completely isolated and all alone with no one there to give her comfort she did eventually had Mickey there but that was a short period amount of time and she ultimately stayed behind to fight the Heartless. Later on she did regain hope when Ansem the Wise told her that Sora was saving world but hope was eventually shattered when Ansem pulled up to take Ansem the Wise and blasted Aqua with darkness which ultimately resulted in Aqua becoming Anti-Aqua as well as a Darkling aka Keyblade Welders who succumb to darkness. This clearly shows that all the burdens and negative feelings she felt finally come back to haunt her which means that by the time Sora, Riku, and Mickey arrived she was ready to throw hands with them because she blames them for abounding her. It wasn't until she was defeated by Sora and pulled back into the Realm of Light it was here that Aqua was finally free from darkness and happy to be in the light this ultimately leads her to finally have a reunion with Terra and Ventus it really does put a huge smile on your face we see that Aqua has finally been able to be with her friends after so long but that's not where it after Xehanort is defeated we see a scene where the trio see Eraqus for one last time where see him apologizing for his mistakes towards his students one of them which was placing Aqua on such a heavy burden, thus finally freeing of her of all the suffering she went through. The last time we saw Aqua is in the Re:Mind DLC where Riku asks her if she's okay with going back to the Realm of Darkness she says yes but she won't be alone this time as Terra and Ventus go with her. We finally see how much Aqua has managed to grow and recover from her pain and now will blossom into a great Keyblade Master. And now let's once again talk about Fu Hua. During the events of the Mount Taixuan we are introduced to the Herrscher of Sentience who has all of Fu Hua's memories powers and by Fu Hua's own words all powers she had when she was in her prime. Despite sharing the same hatred towards Honkai as Fu Hua does, Senti was a lot darker, more violent, and more crueler than Fu Hua. While Senti is not possessing her she is however a physical manifestation of Fu Hua's past mistakes and trauma all coming back to haunt her as we see the two going through each of Fu Hua's memories in the past 50,000 years and we see Senti criticizing her on her discussions and actions. This is perfectly intentional as Fu Hua is essentially reliving all of the her pain she's been through. Such us losing her father and family during the Honkai's arrival on Earth, joining Fire Moth and becoming a MANTIS, losing many of her comrades including her mentor, literally witnessed what was basically the end of the world as humanity was defeated by the Herrscher of the End who would then go on to destroy the Previous Era, watching people Fuxi and Nuwa die due to her immortality, being in self exile and alone with a merciless code: no mercy for the corruption, her students attempting to assassinate her, her deal with Otto, her battle with Sirin, losing her memories, watching her student die in battle. Everything that Fu Hua lived through and did up to the events of the present day is now coming back at her as now she starts remember all the stuff that she did, her sadness, sorrow, loneliness, despair, misery, and pain were what ultimately happens at the end of Chapter 22. In the animated cutscene Shattered Samsara after Senti's defeat, Fu Hua decided to seal the Herrscher at the cost of her life when Kiana goes against this saying there has to be another way Fu Hua simply says that this is her duty. In my opinion I think this also Fu Hua's way of basically committing suicide because when we take a look at when she looks back on the past, it's clear that the pain, suffering, loss, and guilt were too much for her heart to handle especially for an immortal like her. Let's once again compare this to other characters. After the Fourth Eruption and Himeko's death Kiana was alone for 3 months but during that time she had Fu Hua there with her. Mei despite being in World Serpent had Raven there and later on Elysia. Bronya had Seele at the Cocolia's Orphanage. Himeko had Welt. Seele had Veliona in the Sea of Quanta. Durandal and Rita had each other. Theresa had Amber and then her students. Pretty much every character in Honkai Impact 3rd you can think of pretty much all of them had emotional support and always had others around them in one way or another. Fu Hua hadn't none of that because pretty much every person that Fu Hua has ever met has either died, turned on her, or the other way around she was so completely isolated all alone with all the suffering and pain she's been through for 52,000 years so when Fu Hua is about to sacrifice herself and put an end to her own suffering to be free from their regrets it's really heartbreaking but that wasn't until Kiana broke the seal and pulled her into the light was when Fu Hua realized she wasn't alone for the first time more than thousands of years Fu Hua was finally never alone as we see this in the events of Part 1.5 where she and Senti have this mother daughter type relationship and when she finally reunites with Book of Fuxi and Griseo and finally her being able to be herself and live a happy life as a normal human being now that the Honkai are defeated. With both characters we see how the actions of the past, as well as the constant feelings of sadness, sorrow, loneliness, isolation, solitude, anxiety, despair, hopelessness, misery, depression, pain, and suffering as well as years of clinging on to guilt over their past mistakes, and wanting to turn back and stop time are the ultimate results of Aqua and Fu Hua's fall to darkness because unlike the rest of the main cast in their respective series, these two never had any emotional support and constantly had negative thoughts so much so that they sound and look dead on the inside as they had years of pain and suffering they've endured years of misery that seemed very endlessly and when it felt like it was the end for them after battles against their literal manifestations of their pasts, and sinking down to what seemed like the end, accepting the fact that they were alone in the end, Sora and Kiana stepped in and reached out a hand showing then the first time that they are never alone from then on things finally got better for them as we see them reuniting with some of their lost friends after years of separation and finally have been able live pretty happy lives and willing to help take on the next threat whenever they can with a clear mind. They started off as normal teenage girls who are forced down a depressing path they never expected but in the end despite all the darkness thrown at them, Aqua and Fu Hua remained strong with determination and never wavered, they may have made mistakes in the past and they have spent years experiencing tragedy, loss, regret, pain, sadness, and despair but ultimately with help from their friends they fought through the darkness and made it to the light and can now live at peace for the first time in the lives. Aqua and Fu Hua are truly prime examples of tragic characters who can have so much pain and burden yet still fight on despite all the odds.

But anyways that's going to be it for today after this should make you take a look at Aqua VS Fu Hua on Mario, Sonic, Mega Man DEATH BATTLE a lot more differently especially with how the winner kills the loser. KH and HI3 did a great job with Aqua and Fu Hua's characters and I'm so excited what's in store for the future with these two best girls in their respective franchises. But let me know in the comments below what your thoughts are on these characters and I will see you all next time. Peace.

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