"Detective, you think you can buy us with donuts?" Smitty asks.

"you can buy me with donuts, sir" Ana pipes up, softly.

"Knew I was right" Armstrong grins, pulling a donut behind his back and giving it to Ana.

Ana perks up, not having eaten since last night.

"Okay, are we done? Good, 'cause we're done. Be safe out there. Bradford, let me see you a sec." Grey dismisses them. 

Ana is eating her donut but stands up with Tim and Lucy.

"Chief Williams added another book to your Sergeant's Exam reading list." Grey says, handing Tim a book

"Split Second Leadership: Leading Men In The Line Of Duty." Tim says, reading the title and frowning.

"Men?" Lucy says.

"It's from the '60s. How is this relevant to 21st-century policing?" Tim asks.

"Ours is not to reason why, Officer Bradford. Read the book." Grey replies.

"Yes, sir." Tim responds.


"If I have to suffer, so do you. So, you're gonna read this out loud to me between calls. Only way I'm gonna get it memorized in time." Tim says, passing the book back to Ana.

"Or I could drive and you could read it to yourself." Lucy pipes up.

"Nice try. Start reading." Tim orders.

""Chapter One. True leadership generates respect, not fear. It elevates people, rather than diminishing them."" Ana starts to read

"I like this book." Lucy comments.

"You would. Keep reading." Tim orders.

""The number-one mistake new leaders make is to think themselves suddenly infallible. The best leaders understand that even the lowliest patrol officer has something valuable to teach them."" Ana reads, before Lucy interrupts her again.

"Repeat that last part back to me." Lucy says.

"Memorizing is all about repetition. Trust me. I'm a psych major. I know this stuff." Lucy continues when Tim glares at her.

""The best leaders understand that even the lowliest patrol officer has something valuable to teach them."" Tim repeats.

"Again." Lucy insists.

"7-Adam-19, family disturbance at 217 Evergreen." Dispatch says over the radio.

"Thank God." Tim breathes.

Lucy reaches back and Ana hands her the book.

"7-Adam-19, copy. En route" Ana says into the radio.

"Okay, ETA three minutes. Time to read some more. "An open mind and an open door."" Lucy decides, now reading the book instead of Ana. 


A woman (Shelly) comes running out of the house to meet them as they get out of the shop.

"They're gonna kill each other! My boys they bought these military vests off the Internet, and they wanna try them out!" Shelly exclaims.

"Are they bulletproof?" Ana asks, softly, as they follow Shelly into the backyard where two young boys (Jason and J-Bag) are pointing guns at each other, like they're about to duel.

"Oh, I hope so. They won't listen to me." Shelly responds.

"Maybe you'll listen to them." Shelly tells the two boys.

Altruism | Part Two : CareHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin